Daily Devotional for August 30, 2019
Sticks and Stones

“Mom! I’m home! Let’s go!” Tommy shouted as he bolted through the door. “When’s the movie start? Which one are we going to see? Can we get extra butter on the popcorn? Can we—”
“Whoa, Tommy,” Mom broke in before he could say anything else, “take a breath, buddy! We will get there soon! Did you want to invite Shane?”
“Uh, no thanks,” Tommy said as he scanned the pantry for a snack. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to go with me. After Tuesday’s recess, he hasn’t talked to me much.”
“What happened?” asked Mom.
“Well, he kept on messing up while we were playing soccer. So I told him he should find another game to play because he can’t play soccer like the rest of us.” Tommy popped a chip into his mouth and grabbed a juice box from the fridge.
“Oh, Tommy. You hurt his feelings,” said Mom.
“But it’s the truth, Mom. And besides, remember that saying that goes, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’? It’s not like I hit him. And I did say I was sorry . . . I think.”
“Whoever made up that saying was wrong,” said Mom. “Words do hurt, Tommy. It’s like you hit Shane in the heart. You know how you get a bruise when you bump into something? Well, that bruise takes a while to go away. Your words hit Shane’s heart, and his feelings are bruised right now. That’s probably why he doesn’t want to hang out with you.”
“Yeah, you’re right, Mom,” Tommy replied. “I didn’t say it in the nicest way either. I could have offered him some pointers on how to play better instead.”
“Remember that verse we read last week?” asked Mom. “‘Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up.’ It reminds us that we need to use words that speak the love of Jesus to others. If they don’t help or encourage your friends, don’t say them.”
“Okay, Mom. Do you think it’s too late to call Shane and ask him if he wants to go?”
“Not at all. And remember to ask him if he likes extra butter on his popcorn!” Emily Rudolph
How about you?
Have you ever been hurt by someone else’s words? Or maybe you’ve said words that were unkind to a friend or loved one. Words can be hurtful and bruise people’s hearts. As Christians, we need to show others God’s love by using helpful words that build people up. Speak words that encourage others and point them to Jesus.
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