Daily Devotional for February 24, 2020

Glad that’s over,” said Daniel as he, Matt, and Josh left church. “Let’s go have some fun.”
Ten minutes later, they were on the footbridge over the highway. Opening his backpack, Daniel said, “I took these out of the ‘Free Veggies’ box at church. Let’s throw them off the bridge at passing cars!”
“Cool!” said Josh.
“There’s nothing cool about vegetables,” said Matt. “Besides, we’ll get in trouble.”
“Nah, my brother does it and he never gets caught. Watch this.” He grabbed a cucumber and dropped it on a car passing below. It hit the trunk…smoosh!
“Cool!” said Josh again. He tossed a ripe tomato at a pickup truck and watched it disintegrate on the truck bed.
“Your turn,” said Daniel, shoving a large round squash at Matt.
Matt hesitated. It did look like fun, and so far, nothing bad had happened, so he dropped it. But there was no smoosh. Instead, there was a sickening thud that shattered the windshield, and the squeal of brakes as the car skidded onto the roadside in a cloud of dust. Then the driver jumped out, looked at the bridge, and pointed right at Matt.
“You almost killed me!” he yelled.
Matt turned to his friends, but they’d already fled. In a panic, he ran too— through the woods and over his back fence. Hiding behind a shed, he prayed, “Help me!” When he opened his eyes, there stood his dad, a police officer, and the driver, Mr. Barnes. The only thing Matt knew for sure was there would be consequences.
After a long talk, Matt apologized and agreed to work every Saturday to pay for a new windshield. Before Mr. Barnes left, he said, “Matt, I want you to know, I forgive you.”
Before bed that night, Matt told his dad, “I almost killed Mr. Barnes. I don’t deserve forgiveness.”
“Yes, this was serious,” Dad replied. “But Matt, the Bible says, ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ That’s why Jesus paid for our sins Himself by dying on the cross—He knew we couldn’t get out of our sinful mess ourselves. It doesn’t matter how big or small a sin seems to us. He’ll forgive you and wipe the slate clean.” Teresa Ambord
How about you?
Have you done something that caused a serious situation? Like Matt, you may think you don’t deserve forgiveness. But the Bible says we all sin and fall short of God’s standard. That’s why Jesus died to save us from sin—because none of us can save ourselves. He offers forgiveness for every sin, no matter how serious. Confess your sin and trust Him to forgive you.
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