Daily Devotional for April 12, 2017
Spring Flowers

Jade, Leah, and their little sister, Izzy, joined their mother in the backyard one spring day. “Wow, look at all the flowers!” Jade said, walking over to her mother’s garden. “I love the hyacinths. I think they’re my favorite.”
“Not mine. I like those yellow ones,” said Izzy, pointing to the daffodils.
Leah shook her head. “The tulips are the best,” she said. “They come in lots of colors—they don’t just stick to one!”
Jade looked around at the garden. “There are lots more flowers than there were last year. Did you plant more this year, Mom?”
Mom shook her head. “No,” she said, “but over the winter, they multiplied.”
“Muli . . . mulipied?” asked Izzy. “What’s mulipied?”
“Not mulipied . . . mul-ti-plied,” said Jade. “That means there are more of them. That’s because the bulbs in the ground produced more bulbs, so now there are more flowers for you to see. Right, Mom?”
“Right,” said Mom. She bent over and removed a few dead leaves from the base of a daffodil. “You know, these spring flowers are a good example of what Christians should be like.”
“Really?” asked Jade. “How?”
“I know!” said Leah. “Because Jesus gives us new life when we accept Him as Savior, and we should bloom for Him.”
“Yes,” said Mom. “Our lives should bloom with the love and beauty of Jesus. That’s how Christians multiply.”
“Oh no!” said Jade, looking at Leah. “You mean there are going to be more Leahs popping up?”
Leah laughed. “Or more Jades?”
Mom smiled. “You girls know what I’m saying—that we should be sharing God’s love with others and praying He puts seeds of faith in their hearts and makes them grow. It’s not more Leahs or Jades we want popping up, but more people who love Jesus and show His love to the world.”
Izzy bent over to look more closely at one of the daffodils. “I hope the whole yard is full of these pretty yellow flowers next year!”
“Yeah,” said Jade. “And I hope the whole world is full of people who love Jesus!” – Shelley A. Janofski
How about you?
Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and give you a new life? Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and give you a new life? Then your life should be like a flower and bloom with the love and beauty of Jesus. Show His love to others and let them know about all the wonderful things He’s done. Ask Jesus to use your life to bring others to Him.
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