Daily Devotional for May 10, 2019
Spiritual Water

Kyle ran into the kitchen, grabbed a cup out of the cupboard, and filled it with cold water. He drank it quickly, then filled his cup a second time.
“How come you’re so thirsty?” Mom asked as she watched Kyle drink the second glass almost as fast as the first.
“I just finished helping Dad work in the yard, and it’s so hot outside! The thermometer says it’s 95,” Kyle said as he filled his cup a third time.
“You look pretty sweaty. You should have brought some water out with you while you were working,” Mom said. “It’s important to stay hydrated.”
“I know, I should have, but I didn’t want to stop what I was doing. Dad made me come in because I was getting a little light-headed.”
Just then Dad walked into the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. “That heat can do bad things to your body if you don’t keep yourself hydrated by drinking water,” he said as he sat down at the kitchen table.
“Well, since you’re both in here, let’s do our family devotions,” said Mom. “You two were both in such in hurry to work in the yard this morning that we skipped morning devotions.” Mom grabbed the family Bible and sat next to Dad at the table.
“Aw, do we have to? I’m tired. I just want to relax,” Kyle whined as he put his empty cup in the sink.
“Kyle, reading your Bible and praying is just as important as drinking water on a hot day,” Dad said. “It helps us focus on Jesus and all He’s done for us and reminds us that we have the Holy Spirit to guide us in everything we do. Living in this world often makes us feel tired and thirsty, which is why we need to drink the spiritual water Jesus offers us every day. Praying and reading God’s Word helps us do that.”
Kyle thought about what his dad had said. He then took his seat at the table without any further protest. He knew he needed his spiritual water for the day. •Melissa Yeagle
How about you?
Do you drink your spiritual water daily? Do you take time to be with the Lord? Setting aside time to pray and read your Bible every day helps you focus on Him. Jesus is the water that quenches our spiritual thirst, and spending time with Him reminds us what He’s done for us and that He’s always with us. Stay hydrated by focusing your mind on Him.
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