Daily Devotional for June 27, 2018
Spilled Words

Gemma looked in horror as her chocolate milkshake began to spread over the table. “Why can’t you leave my stuff alone, Elle?” she yelled.
“I didn’t mean to spill it,” said Elle. Her lower lip was trembling. “I just wanted a taste.”
Mom unrolled some paper towels and took them to the table.
“No, wait,” Gemma said. “I want to drink it! We’ve got to put it back in the cup.”
“I don’t see how you can do that,” said Mom.
Gemma grabbed a spoon and tried to scoop up the creamy drink, but it was no use. “I bought this with my own money!” she said angrily.
“I’m sorry,” Elle said.
“Well, you should have just kept your little hands to yourself,” Gemma shot back. “You’re going to buy me another milkshake the next time we’re at the mall.”
“But I don’t have that much money,” Elle said, tears springing to her eyes.
“Then save up,” Gemma said. She glared at Elle. “I wish I didn’t have a little sister.”
“You can go play, Elle,” said Mom, “but after this, leave Gemma’s things alone.” After Elle left, Mom turned to Gemma. “Elle shouldn’t have touched your milkshake, but that’s no excuse for saying unkind things to her.”
Gemma looked up from wiping the table. “Why are you lecturing me? She’s the one who messed with my stuff!”
Mom frowned. “Gemma, hearing you say you wish you didn’t have a sister hurt her much more than the spilled milkshake hurt you.”
“Well, I was mad,” Gemma said. “I didn’t mean it.”
“We can be angry and still watch what we say,” Mom replied. “When we don’t, words can spill out and make a bigger mess than that drink did. And taking those words back is just as impossible as putting a milkshake back in a cup. You can never take them back, only repair the damage. That’s why we need to remember the love Jesus has shown us when we get angry with someone so we can respond the way He would.”
Gemma sighed as she threw the wet paper towels in the trash. “I guess I have some more damage I need to repair,” she said, and went to find Elle and apologize. – Debra W. Smith
How about you?
Are you careful not to say angry, thoughtless words? Sometimes it’s hard not to let them spill out, but once they’re said, it’s impossible to take them back. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to make things right. When your words have hurt someone, ask Jesus and that person to forgive you. Then ask Jesus to remind you of His love so you can control your tongue in the future.
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