Daily Devotional for July 30, 2019
Spiders and Shower Caps

:Ready or not, here I come!” Jayna announced loudly from the back porch. “Ta-da!”
“Wait! We’re not ready!” her brother Patrick teased as he covered his eyes.
Moses, her younger brother, snickered. “What is that?” he asked, pointing to the bright blue shower cap perched on top of her head.
Jayna stuck her nose up in the air. “It’s a shower cap to keep out all the spiders and other yucky bugs from getting in my hair when we clean out the shed.”
“That’s actually not a bad idea,” Uncle Lee said, walking toward them wearing a baseball cap.
“You want us to wear shower caps too?” Moses asked with wide eyes.
Uncle Lee laughed. “Well, it wouldn’t hurt. But I meant it’s not a bad idea to get prepared for what we’re about to do—tackle some pretty dirty stuff inside that shed. What do you think we could do before we start?”
Patrick looked down at his bare feet and gave a sheepish grin. “I guess I should put some shoes on.”
Moses scratched his head. “Do you have a hat I can borrow, Uncle Lee? I’m getting itchy just thinking about all those bugs.”
As they walked to the shed, Uncle Lee said thoughtfully, “This reminds me of how important it is to make sure we’re getting ready spiritually to face dirty stuff.”
“What do you mean?” Patrick asked.
“Ephesians 6 talks about putting on the whole armor of God so we can be ready and alert to stand against the devil’s tricks. Satan tries to discourage Christians and get them to do things that are wrong. You can get prepared spiritually by remembering that you belong to Jesus. He saved you from sin and gives you the power to resist temptation. I find that when I read my Bible and pray, I’m reminded of that truth and am more alert and ready to stand up to temptation.”
“Remember that I belong to Jesus and stay alert,” Moses repeated. “Got it. I think I can do that . . . as long as I don’t have to wear a shower cap,” he added with a grin.
“You said it!” Patrick agreed as they high-fived.
Jayna just smiled and patted her head. “You can borrow mine anytime.” Kelly Hope
How about you?
Did you know that it’s important to protect yourself against Satan? You can do that by putting on the armor of God. As you read your Bible, it will help you remember what Jesus has done for you, and as you pray, it will help you know that He is always with you and gives you strength. Stay alert and trust Him to help you do what is right.
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