Daily Devotional for February 27, 2017
Sowing and Reaping

With a pout on her face, Liliana walked out to the garden where her mother was picking beans. “Shana doesn’t want to come to my birthday party this year, Mom,” she said. “She made up a lame excuse about having to be someplace else, but I think she just doesn’t want to come.”
“Is this the same Shana who came last year and gave you the scarf she had knitted herself?” asked Mom.
Liliana’s expression grew even darker. “Yes,” she muttered. Her mother never forgot anything. Liliana had made fun of the scarf in front of all the other girls, calling it dumpy and homemade.
Mom picked a few more beans and put them in her basket. “We’ll have these good beans for supper,” she said, “and I’d like a few strawberries too.” She pointed to some vines. “Grab some off that vine for me, will you?”
Liliana absentmindedly bent toward the vine, then stopped. “Mom,” she said, “these aren’t the strawberry plants. These are cucumbers.”
“Oh, I know I planted cucumbers there, but I want strawberries now,” said Mom. “Just pick a few for me, please.”
“What are you talking about, Mom? I can’t get strawberries from a cucumber vine!” Then she noticed the expression on her mother’s face. “Oh,” she said. “I know what you’re doing.”
“And what is that?” Mom asked.
“It has something to do with me and Shana, doesn’t it? I guess you’re saying I’m getting what I deserve, right?”
Mom smiled. “Not exactly. I’m saying that you’re getting the crop you planted. We reap what we plant in the garden—in this case, cucumbers. The Bible says we reap what we sow in our lives too. You can’t expect a harvest of kindness and friendship unless you plant seeds of kindness and friendship.”
“I…I…” Liliana stammered as she tried to find the words to respond. Then she sat down in the grass with a sigh. “Oh, I know you’re right, Mom,” she admitted. “I’ll apologize to Shana.”
“Good,” said Mom. “Make sure you do that as soon as you get to school in the morning. Now, let’s gather the rest of these vegetables.” – Bob Hostetler
How about you?
Have you experienced any good things lately? What about not-so-good things? Now, think about how any of your previous words or actions—good or bad—may have affected those things happening. What you grow in a vegetable garden depends on the type of seeds you plant, and the same is true for your spiritual garden—your life. Plant good seeds by living your life and treating others the way God says you should. You’ll be much happier with the results.
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