Daily Devotional for January 27, 2019
Source of Life

“Hi, Tyson,” said Grandma when Tyson came to her house one Saturday afternoon. “You won’t believe what I bought today!”
“What’s that?” asked Tyson. Grandma showed him. “A smartphone!” Tyson exclaimed. “Good for you, Grandma.”
“I even have some music on it already,” Grandma said. “You can listen to it with me because…see what else I bought?” She pointed to a docking station with speakers.
“Wow!” Tyson watched as Grandma put the phone in the docking station and pressed play. They waited, but no music came from the speakers.
Grandma frowned. “What’s the matter with this thing? It worked at the store.”
“I don’t know.” Tyson walked over to look at it more closely. He laughed. “Grandma! You didn’t plug in the docking station!”
“Oops!” Grandma laughed too. She picked up the cord and inserted the plug into an electrical outlet. A moment later, the room was filled with sound.
Tyson and his grandma fixed some lunch as the music played. “How do you like this song?” Grandma asked.
“Not bad,” said Tyson. “I think Mom has some of the same songs on her phone.” He grinned at her. “I sure do like your new toy.”
“I do too,” replied Grandma, “and it even taught us a lesson today.”
“It did? What lesson?”
“Well, we both thought it looked pretty nice, but until it was plugged into the power source, it was no good to us—it had no life,” Grandma explained. “People are sometimes like that. We may look nice—that is, our actions may make us seem like good people—but if we’re not plugged into God, we have no real life. The Bible says we’re dead in our sins.” She smiled at Tyson. “Do you know how we can be plugged into the life that comes from God?”
Tyson grinned. “Sure, I do. We have to trust in Jesus.”
“That’s right,” said Grandma. “Then He brings us to life.” –
Charles VanderMeer
How about you?
Are you plugged into the source of life—Jesus? Maybe you read the Bible, go to church regularly, and do many good deeds. Those are all great things to do, but they do not give you eternal life. That only comes through knowing Jesus as your Savior. Don’t wait—trust Him today.
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