Daily Devotional for April 23, 2021
Sophie’s Super-Great Day

“Oh no!” Sophie moaned as she stepped on her own foot and stumbled sideways into her friend. “I’m sorry, Annabelle. I’m no good at this.”
Dance class wasn’t going well for Sophie at all that day. But then…it got better.
When class was over, Sophie raced out to the van where her mom and big brother Ryan were waiting. “Class was super-great today!” she told them.
“Oh?” Mom asked. “Why? Were the dances super-easy?”
“No, super-hard. I flubbed up and crashed into Annabelle. It was embarrassing. But then Miss Melanie forgot the steps and messed everyone up.”
Mom looked confused. “So why was class super-great?”
Ryan answered for his sister. “Because when adults mess up, we don’t feel like such big goofballs anymore.”
“Yep!” said Sophie. “Ryan gets it. When I flubbed up, I felt like a rotten dancer. But Miss Melanie is a super-great dancer, so if she flubs up, then I know I can be super-great too if I keep trying.”
“I see,” said Mom. “I’m glad you realize everyone makes mistakes—including adults.”
“Yeah, but sometimes it seems like kids mess up more than adults,” said Ryan. “You and Dad hardly ever do things like lose your temper. But if you do, you admit it and try to do better.”
Mom laughed. “Ryan, you know Dad and I aren’t perfect. We do things that are wrong too, even if they’re not always obvious to you. But when we do flub up, we ask Jesus to forgive us, and we trust Him to help us do better. The Bible says no one but God is perfect. We’re all sinners who make mistakes, which is why Jesus died on the cross for our sin—so we could be forgiven. ”
“That’s like the Bible verse we’re learning at church,” said Sophie. “‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all…from all…untidiness.’”
“Good job, Sophie,” said Mom, smiling. “But the last word isn’t untidiness. It’s unrighteousness, which means wrongdoing.”
“Not in Ryan’s bedroom.” Sophie giggled. “You called that untidiness!”
“Hey!” Ryan looked at his sister and shrugged. “Nobody’s perfect!”
Mom smiled. “But we’re cleansed from all untidiness.” (Teresa Ambord)
How about you?
Do you get upset when you make mistakes? Does it ever feel like other people don’t do as many wrong things as you do? Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes, and the Bible says we all sin too. But Jesus loves us and offers us forgiveness. When you do something wrong, confess it to Him. He will forgive you and help you do what’s right.
Today's Verse
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive US our sins and TO cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (NKJV) 1 John 1:9 NKJV
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