Daily Devotional for April 13, 2017
Someone to Trust

“Look, Daddy!” exclaimed four-year-old Beck as he peered out the airplane window. “Look! There’s snow down there!”
Beck’s older brother, Micah, laughed. “That’s not snow,” he said. “Those are clouds. They just look like snow.”
Dad smiled and nodded. “They look solid, don’t they? Like you could walk right out on them.”
“Yes, but they wouldn’t hold you up!” Micah replied. “If you stepped out on one of those clouds, it would be a giant step down to earth.”
“Maybe the clouds are made of snow!” Beck said.
Micah shook his head. “No. Clouds are just water vapor,” he said in his best big brother tone. “I learned that in science class. They can’t hold anything up.”
“Oh-h-h-h,” murmured Beck. Then he had another question. “Why does the plane stay up in the air?”
“The plane is built just right for flying,” said Dad, “and the pilot goes to school to learn how to make it stay up.” Beck seemed satisfied with that explanation and turned back toward the window.
Micah watched his little brother, then turned to his father. “You know what, Dad?” he asked quietly. “Beck believes everything we tell him.”
“That’s because he has faith in us and trusts us to tell him the truth,” said Dad. “It’s too bad, but as we grow older we find there are some people we can’t trust. Many people are trustworthy, but even people we trust may sometimes disappoint us.”
Micah looked out the window at the clouds moving past the plane. “Last week Pastor Carter said there was someone who would never fail us,” he said. “He was talking about Jesus.”
Dad nodded. “God keeps every promise He makes. He’s as solid as a rock, and completely trustworthy. You can put your faith in Him.”
“Daddy! What’s that?” Beck pointed at something else outside the window, and Dad and Micah exchanged smiles. – Ruth Andrews
How about you?
Has someone you trusted let you down? That can hurt very deeply. And once a person loses your trust, it’s hard to trust them again. But if this happens to you, let it remind you to be a trustworthy person yourself and not let others down. Most of all, remember to put your faith and trust in God. He’s the only one who will never, ever let you down. You can count on Him.
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