Daily Devotional for February 2, 2020
Snow Day

Victoria and Anthony were eating breakfast when a message dinged on Mom’s phone. “Well, I guess you won’t be going to school today,” Mom told them. “The freezing temperatures and icy roads have closed all the public schools.”
“All right!” said Anthony. “I can play all day!”
Victoria didn’t share his joy. “I was going to go to Madelyn’s house after school. Now I can’t,” she moaned. “Besides, what’s there to do at home? It’s too cold to go outside, and there’s nothing fun to do!” She watched as her younger brother got busy with his toys. “Hey, Anthony, why don’t you play with the beanbags I made for your birthday?” she asked.
Anthony shrugged. “They’re more fun when someone else is playing with me.” He looked at his sister. “Do you want to play?”
“No,” Victoria replied. She frowned as Anthony pushed his trucks down imaginary roads. “I spent a lot of time making those bean bags for Anthony’s birthday present,” she complained to her mother, “but he hardly ever plays with them.”
Mom raised her eyebrows. “I think you’re rather like Anthony yourself. Someone made something for you too, but you don’t seem to care for it either.”
“What do you mean?” asked Victoria in surprise. “What did anybody make for me lately?”
“This day,” Mom replied. “Each day is a gift from Jesus. We should rejoice in the days He gives us and use them to honor Him for all He’s done for us—whether they’re school days or play days, sunny days or snow days! We can still enjoy each day and be thankful for it even when things don’t go according to plan.” Mom smiled. “So, how can you enjoy this day God has given you? Any ideas?”
Victoria bit her lip as she thought it over. “Well, I haven’t started reading any of the books Aunt Julie gave me for Christmas. I could read one of those—and my Bible too! And I could bake some cookies for us to have later, and maybe make a card for Grandma.” She looked at her brother and grinned. “But first I’m going to show Anthony how to play a game with the beanbags I made for him!” Linda M. Weddle
How about you?
Do you recognize each day as a gift from God? Are you glad for each one—even when you can’t spend it exactly the way you’d like? Thank God for the days He gives you. Use them to enjoy His blessings in your life and show His love to others. Each day is an opportunity to remember His great love for you and bring glory to Him.
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