Daily Devotional for November 14, 2017
Sneaky Stained Glass

As Grady, Calvin, and Eleanor waited for their father after church, they
looked out at the parking lot through the stained glass windows near the back of the auditorium. “I see our car,” said Calvin. “It’s green.”
Eleanor disagreed. “No, it’s not,” she said. “It’s yellow.”
“You’re both wrong,” said Grady. “It’s blue.”
Just then, Dad walked up. “What’s going on?” he asked.
“We’re talking about the color of our car,” said Grady. “It’s blue, right?”
“No, green!” said Calvin.
Eleanor giggled. “No, yellow!”
Dad laughed. “Looks purple to me,” he said, looking out another one of the window panes.
As they went out and got into their white car, Dad smiled. “Okay, kids,” he said, “let’s think about something. Why did each of us see our car as a different color even though it was white all along?”
“Because we were each looking through a different color of glass,” answered Calvin.
Dad nodded. “Right. Each of us had a different view of the car, but we were all wrong. And each person has their own worldview, or how they see life and truth. We can’t see anything the right way without God, so anyone looking at the world without Jesus sees it as though they’re looking through sneaky stained-glass windows that don’t tell the whole truth.”
“Is that why some of the things people say are true sound like they could be right, even though they don’t match what God says in the Bible?” asked Eleanor. “Because they’re trying to see the truth, but the way they’re looking at it—their worldview—is wrong?”
“Yes,” Dad said as he turned onto their street. “All people are sinners, so our judgments about what is right and wrong are often pretty skewed—like we’re looking through a window that makes everything a different color. But God is outside the window, and He sees things exactly as they are. That’s why the only way we can know what’s true is by trusting in Jesus, who is the Truth. Only by putting our faith in Him and using His Word, the Bible, as our guide can we have the right view—God’s view—of what’s going on.”
– Faith Alessio
How about you?
Do you ever wonder what’s really true? It can be confusing because every person views the world differently. God is the only one who sees everything clearly, and He tells us that His Son, Jesus, is the Truth. The only way to know the Truth is to trust in Him! Then use His Word, the Bible, to guide you as you live. (See “The ABCs of Salvation” on the right column of this page.)
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