Daily Devotional for August 29, 2019
Snail Racing

“Maria makes me so mad!” said Leah. “I prayed and studied so hard for that test! Maria barely studied, and she got a perfect score. It’s so unfair! She’s not even a Christian!”
“Hold up!” said Dad. “Whether or not she’s a Christian, your grades come from your hard work. Also, from what I see, your grade improved a lot from before.”
“Whatever,” said Leah. Then she reached into the glass case for her pet snail, Rocky. “Are you ready, Dad? Rocky’s going to beat Leafers this time!”
Dad chuckled, and the two placed the snails at the starting line. “Ready, set, go!” Leah shouted, and the race was on.
“What are you doing, Rocky? Go, go, go!” exclaimed Leah, but her snail did not budge. She grew more anxious until finally the snail squirmed forward.
After a while, it was Dad’s turn to be worried. “Leafers, the finish line is not over there!” he cried, but the snail insistently veered off the path, and Rocky won the race.
“You know, Leah,” said Dad, “this snail race is a little like your situation.”
“Dad, whatever you say, Rocky won,” Leah said jokingly. “But how does the snail race relate to me?”
“Well, sometimes we see other people in life and how they seem so far ahead, just like how Leafers was ahead of Rocky at first.”
“So, as long as I work hard, I can still beat Maria?” asked Leah, petting Rocky’s shell.
Dad shook his head. “It’s good to study and do well in your schoolwork, but you do that for yourself, not to beat others. Besides, that’s not the race I’m talking about. For Christians, the only race that matters is the one we’re running for Jesus as we get to know Him better and show others His love. Do you think your actions have reflected that lately?”
Leah felt embarrassed about how she had talked about Maria. “I’m sorry, Dad, for being jealous of Maria. Instead of focusing on her grades, I should think about how I can help her know Jesus, right?”
“Right on, kiddo.” Dad smiled. “I can help you study for your next test, but right now, our snails need to have a rematch!” Gabriella Hsu
How about you?
Do you struggle with things other people don’t? Things like grades, money, and athletic abilities may seem very important, but they pale in comparison to eternal life with Jesus. When you feel like comparing yourself to others, remember the race you’re running for Jesus and find ways to point them to Him instead.
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