Daily Devotional for June 10, 2019
Smashed Hopes

David and Timothy were excited about the baby watermelons growing in the garden of their new house. “Come look at our garden!” Timothy said when their new neighbors, Jacob and Brandon, came over to play.
“Are those watermelons?” Jacob asked.
“Yes,” David answered. “We can’t wait until they’re big enough to eat!”
A while later, Mom came outside. “Boys, we need to run to the store.”
“See you guys later!” David and Timothy told their new friends.
When they returned home, Timothy and David headed out to play but soon came running back into the house. “Mom!” they called. “Our watermelons are smashed!”
Mom walked outside and looked at the garden. A trowel was stuck in the ground near one of the smashed watermelons. “This trowel is not one of ours,” she said, frowning.
Just then they heard giggling and looked up to see Jacob and Brandon peeking over the fence. Then the neighbor boys ran off, laughing loudly.
Tears filled Timothy’s eyes. “Why did they do this? I thought they were our friends!”
Mom looked sad. “I know you’re angry, but we need to forgive them.”
“Why?” asked David.
“Because we’ve done sinful things that make God angry, yet He forgave us through His Son, Jesus, who died to take the punishment for our sins. That’s why we must forgive others. When we do that, we point them to God’s love and forgiveness.”
The next day, the boys asked Mom to take them to the store again. They brought home a beautiful watermelon and carried it over to the neighbors’ door along with the trowel left in their yard. When Jacob and Brandon came out, David said, “This is for you. We just want to tell you that we forgive you. We hope you’ll come over and play with us again sometime.”
Jacob and Brandon mumbled, “Okay,” took the watermelon and trowel, and went inside.
“Don’t be sad they didn’t say much,” Mom told them when they came home. “Sometimes God changes people’s hearts slowly. Let’s pray that you’ll be able to build a friendship with them that will help them see the love of Jesus.” •Hannah Alaganou
How about you?
Have you ever felt sad or angry about a bad thing someone did? That’s how God feels about our sin. But if you’ve trusted Jesus for the forgiveness of your sin, God isn’t angry at you anymore. He’s forgiven you, and He’ll help you forgive others who have wronged you. Trust Jesus to help you point others to His love and forgiveness.
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