Daily Devotional for February 22, 2019
Small Things Count

Sonya watched anxiously as her family ate supper. She had prepared it all by herself. “Everything tastes wonderful, Sonya,” Mom said.
Sonya’s brother, Isaac, made a face. “Yeah, if you like raw vegetables and mushy meat loaf.”
Sonya frowned. “I’d like to see you try to cook a meal.”
“I don’t think so,” said Isaac. “That’s girls’ work!”
Mom and Sonya raised their eyebrows, and Dad shook his head. “I don’t agree with you, son. I know I don’t cook much around here because of my work schedule, but that doesn’t mean it’s something only women do. Besides, many of the world’s great chefs are men.”
“Yeah,” said Sonya. “They’re on those cooking contest shows sometimes.”
“And do you know who I think was the greatest cook of all?” Dad asked.
“Who?” asked Isaac.
“The one who died for our sins!” Dad replied. “Jesus!”
“What?” exclaimed Isaac. “I didn’t know He cooked! What did He make?”
“Remember when the disciples went fishing but caught nothing all night?” Dad asked. “Then Jesus called from the shore and told them to throw out their nets on the other side of the boat.”
“I remember the story,” Sonya said. “When they did that, the net was so full they couldn’t pull it into the boat, right?”
“Right,” said Dad, “and when the tired, hungry fishermen reached shore, they found Jesus cooking breakfast for them over an open fire. I’m sure He must have been the best cook ever.”
“Why do you think He bothered to cook?” Isaac asked. “Why didn’t He just do a miracle and make cooked food suddenly appear?”
“He wanted them to see that He had risen from the dead,” Dad replied. “Eating is an essential part of living, and He cooked and ate a meal with the disciples to show them who He was and that He cared for them. Then He told them to go do the same for others. We can show His love to others too by taking care of their needs—even in small ways.”
“Okay, I get your point.” Isaac looked at his sister. “Thanks for making dinner.”
“You’re welcome.” Sonya exchanged a look with her parents and grinned. “Tomorrow it’s your turn!” – Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Are there any small jobs you could help someone with today—doing the dishes, cleaning the house, reading to a brother or sister, or mowing a neighbor’s lawn? These are simple but good ways to show your love for others and for the Lord. You don’t have to spend a lot of time to let others know you care about them. Be willing to serve others as Jesus did.
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