Daily Devotional for November 13, 2018
Small Gifts

The tips of Riley’s fingers dug into his cheeks as he glanced at his mother, who was typing on her computer. She noticed his troubled face. “Is there a problem?” she asked.
Riley sighed. “I’ve been trying to make money for the special missionary offering this week, but all I’ve got is the two dollars Mrs. Grey gave me for sweeping her front walk. How is two dollars going to make any difference? It’s hardly anything!” Riley slumped into his chair. “I’m sure everyone else at church will give way more than I can.”
“Riley, I know two dollars doesn’t sound like a lot, but even though you only made a little, you’re willing to give it all to God, and I know He’ll use it to help others.”
Riley shrugged. “I guess.”
Mom pulled up a webpage on her laptop. “I read this story recently, and I think it might encourage you.” She turned her computer so Riley could see it. “During World War II, a man named Bohn Fawkes flew a B-17 bomber. While he was flying over Germany, his plane got shot at, and the gas tanks were hit. But you know what? The plane didn’t explode!”
“Wow!” said Riley. “Even though the gas tanks were hit?”
“That’s right,” said Mom. “When the plane got back on the ground, technicians found not just one but eleven unexploded shells in the tanks. All the shells were opened and found to be empty—except for one that had a piece of paper inside.”
Riley’s eyes widened. “What did it say?”
“It was a note that said, ‘This is all we can do for you now.’ Apparently some assembly line workers had purposely not put explosives in those shells. They couldn’t stop the war, but because they did what they could, many lives were saved.” Mom looked at Riley. “If you give what you can out of love and thankfulness for all Jesus has done for you, He will use your gift, even if it seems small.”
Riley got up and headed for the door. “I’ll see if I can find some other neighbors who might hire me to do something. If I can’t, I know God will use the two dollars I can give.” – Kristi Yutzy
How about you?
Do you feel like anything you can do or give is too small to make a difference? In today’s Bible reading, Jesus says the little bit a widow gave was more in God’s sight than the big gifts others put in. Jesus will use your gift, whether it’s a few cents in the offering plate or helping someone in the middle of a busy day, because you were willing to do what you could out of love for Him.
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