Daily Devotional for June 13, 2018
Slug Bug

“Slug bug blue!” Brandon exclaimed when he spied a blue Volkswagen. As he spoke, he slugged his brother, Teague, who was sitting beside him. The boys were playing their favorite game on the way home from school—seeing who could spot a Volkswagen first and slug the other guy. They kept count to see who got the most.
Maria sighed. She pulled down the mirror on the sun visor and looked at herself. “My freckles look awful,” she said. “I look like a monster.”
“Slug bug yellow!” Teague yelled and slugged Brandon as a yellow Volkswagen sped past them.
Maria frowned. “If I can’t do something about these freckles, I think I’ll go into hiding.”
“Maria, you’re being silly. Lots of people have freckles. Besides, I think they make you look cute,” Mom said as she turned onto their street.
“Slug bug red!” Both boys laughed as they spotted the same Volkswagen at the same time and socked each other.
“You hit too hard,” Teague said, “so I get the point. That’s the rule.”
“Is not!” Brandon appealed to his mother. “Mom?”
“Boys,” Mom said, looking at them in the rearview mirror, “that’s enough slugging. It’s time to end the game.”
Maria turned around and glared at her little brothers. “I think you’re making those up. I’ve never seen that many Volkswagens in one short ride.”
“You aren’t looking for them,” Teague said. “You only see what you look for.”
“That’s true, you know,” Mom said, looking at Maria. “It’s easy to overlook the good things in life—or in others or even ourselves—when we’re constantly looking for things to criticize and complain about. That’s why the Bible says to look for the blessings God has given us. When we remember He loves us and is in control of everything, even things we don’t like won’t seem as bad anymore.”
Maria looked at herself in the mirror again. This time she looked at her shiny brown hair and healthy green eyes, and suddenly the freckles didn’t seem so bad.
Mom pulled the car into their driveway. “Let’s try to remember to look for the good things Jesus has given us and thank Him for all He’s done for us.” – Barbara Westberg
How about you?
What do you see—good things or bad things? When Moses sent twelve spies to check out the land of Canaan, most of them only saw problems because they didn’t trust God. Only two were able to see the blessings God had for them there. Instead of finding things to criticize, trust Jesus to take care of you and look for all the good things He puts in your life each day.
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