Daily Devotional for March 22, 2018

Sitting Still

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Sitting Still

Today's Verse

1 Samuel 3:1-10 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Trent looked at the fish lying in the bucket at Grandpa’s feet and frowned. “Why are they biting for you and not me?” he asked.

“Well, you keep pulling in your line to check the bait and moving to different sides of the boat,” Grandpa said. “If you want to catch fish, you can’t keep moving around all the time. Try sitting still.”

Trent sighed. “I don’t like to sit still.”

“I know, but you need to learn how,” said Grandpa. “Otherwise you’ll miss out on even more important things than catching fish.”

“Like what?” asked Trent.

“Well, you need to sit quietly and listen to learn and do well in school,” replied Grandpa. “And you need to take time to sit still and listen to God so you can learn about Him and hear what He wants you to do.”

“You mean like how Samuel heard Him in the Bible?” Trent asked. “God doesn’t talk to us like that anymore, does He?”

“Maybe not,” said Grandpa, “but if you set aside special times to spend time with God, He may speak by bringing something to your attention.”

“I pray every night,” Trent told his grandfather.

“Good,” said Grandpa. “That’s a good way to listen to God. He uses prayer to remind us to trust and depend on Him and align our hearts to His. Another way to listen to Him is by reading the Bible—both on our own and with other believers. Before you read or go to church, be still for a moment and ask God to show you what He wants you to know about Him.” Grandpa smiled. “Now, why don’t you practice sitting still and see if you can get any fish to bite?”

“Okay.” Trent sat and quietly listened to the sounds of birds singing and water softly lapping against the boat. Thank You for all the beautiful things You created, Lord, he prayed silently.

Just then, he felt a jerk. “I’ve got a bite!” he yelled. Soon he was taking a fish off his hook. “Look at that fish!” he said, holding it up for Grandpa to see. “It paid to sit still that time, didn’t it?”

“It sure did,” said Grandpa, “and it will pay off in even better ways. Keep practicing!” – Barbara J. Westberg

How about you?

Do you take time to quietly wait for God to speak to your heart? Before you read the Bible, go to church, or say your prayers, pause and ask Him to bring something to your mind He wants you to think or pray about. Wait quietly so you can hear Him speak to you. Don’t expect to hear a voice like Samuel did, but let God bring the things He wants you to know and remember to your attention.

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