Daily Devotional for April 8, 2023
Singing in the Hall

Tad heard the familiar voices even before he saw them. The little boys were singing their favorite song again, and it made Tad smile. As he walked up the front path to their house, two little heads with dark brown hair flung open the door. “Hi!” Josiah and Hudson said, waving to Tad.
Soon their dad appeared behind them. He scooped up his sons in his arms and hugged them tightly. As he did, Tad could hear him whisper in their ears, “I love you and I’m so glad I get to be your dad!”
Josiah’s and Hudson’s faces glowed at these words, then they started giggling and squirming, so their dad put them down. They started singing again with renewed vigor as they charged down the hall and bounced out of sight.
Pastor Lawrence welcomed Tad into his home with a grin. “I love those two rascals more than they will ever know,” he said, laughing. But he didn’t have to say it. Tad already knew it from the smile on his face, the joy in his sons’ eyes, and the countless times he’d witnessed scenes like this before in Pastor Lawrence’s home.
As Tad followed Pastor Lawrence to the living room where other kids were gathered for their weekly youth group meeting, he thought of how God delighted in him as His child. God loves me so much He gave His own Son to save me, and He always welcomes me when I come to Him, Tad thought. Josiah and Hudson know their dad’s love for them is huge, and that fills them with joy. Even though he has a busy job as a pastor, they know they have direct access to their dad any time they want. Being near him, they can’t help but laugh and sing.
“Thank you, God, for delighting in me and for giving me a glimpse of how much you love me through this family,” Tad prayed as he left Pastor Lawrence’s home later that night. “Pastor Lawrence’s love for his sons isn’t perfect, but your love for me is. Knowing that fills me with joy.” Tad smiled as he turned the corner with a spring in his step. “It even makes me want to sing!”
-Tad Trygar
How about you?
Have you stopped to think about how much God loves you? He loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for you so you could be His child. Our human love is limited, but our heavenly Father’s love for us is perfect. Knowing that fills us with joy! Rejoice in the great love your Father has for you and enjoy being in His presence.
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