Daily Devotional for April 3, 2020
Show the World

“Yuck!” Gabriel exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen. “Do you guys have to do that?”
“Do what?” Dad asked, his arm still around Mom’s waist.
“You know, hugging and”—Gabriel made a face—“kissing!” He quickly collected a bowl and spoon, keeping well out of his parents’ way.
Both of his parents laughed. “No, we don’t have to. We get to,” Mom explained. “It’s one of the ways Dad and I show our affection for each other.”
“But Mom, parent PDAs are not cool!”
“PDAs?” Mom asked.
“Public displays of affection,” Gabriel answered. He grabbed some cereal and headed to the table. His dad joined him with a cup of tea.
“I know you might not like our PDAs, but I’m sure God does!” Dad said.
Gabriel’s spoon clattered into the bowl. “He does?”
“Yes, and not just in marriage. Think about it. You know God loves you, right?”
“Well, how do you know?” asked Dad.
“The Bible says He sent Jesus to save us.”
“Right. By sending Jesus to die for our sins, God showed His love for us. And we can also show that love to the world. One of the ways we do that is through baptism.”
“Is that when you get dunked in the big tub at church?” Gabriel asked.
Dad laughed. “Yes. Because you have faith in Jesus, you have a special relationship with Him. A relationship you want everyone to know about.”
“Like you and Mom. You want everyone to know you’re married to her.”
“Exactly. It’s one of the reasons I wear a wedding ring. It shows others that I love your mom and have promised to be true to her. In the same way, baptism points to the promise God made with us through Jesus to forgive our sins and make us His children. It shows the world His love for us and that we’re part of His family.”
Gabriel munched on his cereal while Dad drank his tea. “Well, when you put it that way, I guess God does likes PDAs!” Gabriel said.
Dad smiled. “One day, when you’re older, you might be okay with them too.” COLLEEN DIAZ
How about you?
Have you been baptized? Baptism shows the world that Jesus has made you part of His family. It’s a public display of the love He has for us. If you’ve never been baptized, talk with your parents or a pastor about how you can show the world what Jesus has done for you.
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