Daily Devotional for February 18, 2023
Shining Stars

“I’m tired of this history book!” Akera slammed the book shut and flopped back on the couch.
“Yeah! It’s boring!” Ky looked up from the laptop and shared a look of misery with his sister.
Mom sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Kids, I’ve already changed your history curriculum twice this year. Now it’s time to cut the complaining and do the work.”
“But, Mom,” Akera whined. “Can’t we switch it one more time?”
Mom shook her head. “We are finishing this book, and that’s final. Has it occurred to you that it’s probably not the curriculum but your attitudes that need to change?” She got up to pour herself some coffee. “Remember when we went to the planetarium last month?”
“Yeah,” said Ky. “It was one of the coolest field trips ever!”
Akera smiled thoughtfully. “My favorite part was that show about the stars—it was beautiful.”
“One of the nice things about homeschooling is we get to take field trips whenever we want,” Mom said. “But that doesn’t mean you get to change the curriculum whenever you want. And speaking of stars, do either of you happen to remember what Paul said about God’s children being like stars?”
Akera slid on a pair of sunglasses and took a selfie. “Not really, but I do look like a star!”
Ky cackled as Mom stifled a giggle. “Ha-ha. Not that kind of star. In Philippians 2, Paul wrote that when we do things without grumbling, our lives shine like stars, showing the world that we are God’s children.”
“Oh, I remember that now,” Ky said. “Doesn’t chapter two start with Paul talking about Jesus coming to earth and dying on the cross for us?”
“Yes,” said Mom. “That was the most selfless thing, wasn’t it? And He did it willingly—without complaining.”
Ky tossed a pillow at Akera. “Guess we haven’t been like stars today, have we?”
Akera threw the pillow back. “I guess not. Even though we don’t like history right now, we don’t have to complain about it. We are God’s children, and I want to show it by the way I live my life.”
Mom smiled. “You kids are pretty smart.”
“Yep,” said Ky. “We have a good teacher.”
-Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Do you often complain about things? When you feel like whining about something you don’t want to do, it can help to remember what Jesus did for you. Out of love for us, He humbly came to earth as a baby in a smelly manger to grow up and die on the cross for our sins. Trust Him to help you shine His light by showing others love and appreciation instead of grumbling.
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