Daily Devotional for March 26, 2021
Shining Like the Moon

“There! My homework’s done,” said Amelia, closing her math book. “You finished with yours, Aubrey?”
Aubrey nodded. “Yep. Let’s go outside—it’s so nice out tonight.”
The girls went out onto the porch. Twinkling stars in the sky glistened like distant diamonds. The full moon seemed to shine brighter than usual. As Aubrey gazed at it, she thought about the things she wanted to do someday. After a few minutes, she turned to her sister. “What do you want to do when you’re older, Amelia?”
“Oh, let’s see…” Amelia grinned. “I’d like to be a rich and famous singer. You know—the kind of person people wait in line to see and everyone follows on social media.”
“I’d rather win a gold medal in the Olympics,” said Aubrey. “That should make me rich and famous too.”
“Heard you,” said Dad as he came up the steps. “Well, whatever you achieve, don’t forget who deserves the credit.”
Aubrey grinned at her dad. “Okay, Dad. I guess since you’ve raised me and driven me to soccer practice and swim meets, I’ll give you some credit. But if I work hard to win a medal and make lots of money, I think I deserve most of the credit.” She pointed toward the sky. “I’d shine like that moon up there.”
Dad looked up at the sky and smiled. “It’s okay for you to shine like the moon, but there’s something you need to remember. Even though the moon shines very brightly, it can’t take the credit for its brilliance.”
“Why not?” asked Aubrey, looking surprised.
“I know,” said Amelia. “Because the moon has no light of its own. It shines because it reflects the light of the sun.”
“Right,” said Dad. “So when we shine like the moon, we reflect a light that is not our own. It’s God’s. He made you and gave you the abilities you have. He saved you from sin, and He’s working in your life to make you more like Jesus and reflect His love to others. You wouldn’t be able to do anything without Him. Remember to give the glory to God for everything you accomplish.” • Suzanne M. Daly
How about you?
What things have you accomplished? What do you hope to do in the future? Do you think success comes from your hard work alone? You should work hard to achieve your goals, but don’t forget that it’s God who gives you the ability to do all you can do. He created you with the gifts you have and works in your life to help you serve Him and shine His light to others. Give Him the credit for all you’re able to do.
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