Daily Devotional for October 1, 2020
Shine Your Light!

Ariel suppressed a giggle. Her cousin Ben shuffled past the tree she was hiding behind, the beam of his flashlight just missing her foot. Hide-and-seek in the dark was one of the cousins’ favorite games to play.
“Found you, Jordan!” Ben shone the light on his younger brother.
“Ahhh!” Ariel peeked around the tree to see Jordan sprawled on the ground. “I just tripped over a tree root or something!”
Dawn squinted at the light Ben was shining in her face. “Jordan, that was my leg you tripped over!” Ariel’s sister started rolling on the ground in laughter.
Ariel crept from her hiding spot and jumped into the center of the three laughing kids with a menacing growl. “Eeeeeek!” The kids scattered in terror, then they all giggled together in a heap on the ground.
“That never gets old!” Ariel chortled. “Ben, you almost found me first! If you had moved your flashlight beam a little to the left, it would have shone right on my foot.”
“I got too distracted by Jordan making sounds to pay close attention to where my light was shining,” Ben commented. “Next time, let’s play teams.”
“Guys, Ben just made me think of something!” Ariel illuminated her face with her flashlight. “Remember that one Bible verse from church camp about shining your light? Well, just like Ben got distracted from his mission by the noise around him, we can get distracted from our mission of shining our lights for Jesus.”
“I remember!” Dawn piped up.
“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven,” Jordan recited. “Jesus gave us His light so we could shine it onto others and point them to His love and forgiveness.”
“Right.” Ben nodded. “So, if we’re too focused on the noise of the world, which tells us to think about ourselves and the things we want, we may miss an opportunity to shine our light on what really matters.”
“People matter.” Jordan smiled wide.
“Totally!” Ariel shone her light beam on her sister and her cousins. “We are God’s children, and He lives in us. Whenever we play this game, it will remind us to shine our Jesus lights for those in the darkness!” • Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Did you know that if you are a child of God, you have an important mission? Jesus says we are the light of the world. Imagine how depressing a world with no light would be! When we allow the love of Jesus to shine through us, we bring hope to a world in desperate need of His grace. The light of Jesus gives life, and that light is in you!
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