Daily Devotional for November 19, 2020
Serve When You’re Stuck
“Mooooom! If I have to spend one more day at home with her, I’m going to go crazy!” Dillon grabbed a blanket off the couch and put it over his head.
“If I have to be around HIM for one more minute, I’m going to scream!”
Madison retorted.
Mom plopped down on the couch next to Dillon. “Maddie, come sit by us for a minute,” Mom said. Dillon peeked out of the blanket at his sister and glared.
“Kids, I know this pandemic has been difficult for you. It’s hard for everyone to live differently from the way we’re used to. Let’s name something we miss right now. I’ll go first. I miss getting together with our church group.”
“I miss going to the fabrication lab to work on all my computer projects.” Dillon sighed longingly.
“I miss seeing all my friends and having sleepovers,” Madison said sadly.
Mom gave her kids a squeeze. “Now, I want us to name something we are thankful for. I’m grateful that Dad found a new job after being laid off.”
“I’m thankful that we have food…and toilet paper! People were going crazy stocking up on it!” Dillon’s eyes were wide.
“I’m thankful that we don’t have the virus,” Madison said softly.
Mom nodded. “Most of all, I’m thankful that Jesus loves us so much, He died and rose again for us and that He promises to help us through hard times,” she said. “How do you think we can show His love to people who are having a difficult time right now?”
“I can draw some pictures and mail them to some older people we know who can’t come out of their houses right now,” Madison exclaimed with a grin.
“I can post some helpful videos online for kids and grown-ups who need help with technology!” Dillon said excitedly.
“Great ideas! I’ll make a few phone calls and see if I can pick up some necessities for people who can’t get out,” Mom said.
Dillon gently tossed a pillow at his sister. “Thanks, Mom. I’m feeling better already! Even though we’re stuck at home, we can serve others—and Jesus!” • Savannah Coleman
How about you?
When have you been stuck in a situation that was less than enjoyable? The next time you are, try serving someone else. Jesus gave us the ultimate example of service in the midst of a difficult time. The very Son of God came down to our world to give His life for us. He healed the sick and showed love to everyone, then died on the cross so we could be saved. When you feel stuck, take the opportunity to serve Jesus by showing His love to others who are struggling too.
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