Daily Devotional for January 15, 2020
Servant of All

Ella groaned as her parents pulled up to the World Mission Thrift Store. “Why do we have to work here today? They never have anything important for us to do! All we do is sort through toys and clothes. It’s boring!”
“Ella,” Dad said, “remember that we are working for God, not for ourselves. All the money from the thrift store goes toward helping people around the world hear the good news of Jesus.”
Mom nodded. “A lot of the people may have never even heard about Jesus! How wonderful it must be to hear the Bible in their own language.” Ella sighed and got out of the car.
Noel and Kristen, two girls from Ella’s church, were already in the back of the store, sorting through shoes. “Hi, Ella!” Noel grinned cheerfully. “Come help us!”
“Look at these.” Kristen giggled, holding up bright orange heels with extremely pointy toes. “I would NOT want to wear these! Ouch!” The girls agreed. The rest of the hours passed by quickly as the families grouped items and sorted through spring clothing.
Mrs. Sally, the store manager, clapped her hands in delight. “You all did a spectacular job today! I don’t know how we would have finished all this without your help.”
Ella noticed Mrs. Sally stepping around carefully as she surveyed everything they had worked on. She recalled that her mom had said to be praying for Mrs. Sally because she had injured her back. Ella could tell Mrs. Sally was in pain, but she still had a bright smile on her face as she spoke words of encouragement and thanks to the church group.
On the way home, Ella mentioned Mrs. Sally to her parents. “Yes, it’s amazing all she does even though she’s hurting,” Mom said thoughtfully.
“Reminds me of that verse—‘The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,’” Dad said. “Even though He’s God, Jesus served all of us by dying for our sins. Mrs. Sally is making a sacrifice to serve so more people can know Him as their Savior.”
“Yeah! I’m sorry I was complaining when we first started working. I want to be like Mrs. Sally and like Jesus—a servant of all.” Ella grinned. “And actually, it was pretty fun to see all those crazy shoes!” -Savannah Coleman
How about you?
Do you ever feel like the work you do for God is insignificant? Not everything we do for God is going to be something “huge.” When Jesus came to earth, He became a servant of all and died for our sins even though He was the Son of God. He even washed his disciples’ dirty feet! Nothing we do for Him is too small. Joyfully serve Him by serving others in whatever tasks He gives you.
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