Daily Devotional for May 31, 2021
Second Chance

“Look what Elias did to my math book!” Isabelle said angrily. “He’s ruined it!” She turned toward her little brother. “Don’t you ever touch my books again!”
“I’m sorry, Isabelle,” Elias said sadly. “It just broked.”
“Books don’t just break! You ripped it. You were careless, and now it’s all torn up.” Isabelle shook her finger at Elias. “From now on, you leave my books alone!” she said as she went to get ready for school.
That afternoon Mom joined Isabelle in her room. “How’s the homework coming along? You had a test today, didn’t you?”
“Yes, but most of us messed up on it,” Isabelle replied. “We didn’t understand the problems very well, so Miss Nelson explained them again. We’re having another test tomorrow. She’s giving us a chance to bring our grades up.” Isabelle smiled. “Miss Nelson is a really nice teacher.”
Mom nodded. “I’d say it’s good of her to give you a second chance.” A moment later, she added, “Elias sure could use a second chance too.”
Isabelle looked puzzled. “Does Elias have to take tests in kindergarten?”
“I was thinking of your math book. I think he needs a second chance with you,” Mom explained. “Don’t you think you were a little hard on him? I don’t think he’s quite gotten over it—he’s been very quiet today.”
Isabelle looked down at her hands. “It just makes me so mad when he touches my stuff without asking.”
“I know,” said Mom. “He needs to learn not to do that. But God gives us second chances all the time—Jesus always forgives us when we sin. And we need to do the same for others—even little brothers.”
Just then, Elias came into the room. “I’m gonna save my ’lowance and buy you a new book,” he told his sister.
Isabelle’s glance fell on her math book, and she shook her head. “You don’t have to do that, Elias. I know you didn’t rip it on purpose, and I’m sorry I was mean about it.” Isabelle gave him a smile. “Just don’t touch my school books from now on, okay? I have lots of other books you can look at instead. Just try be careful with them.”
“Okay!” agreed Elias with a big smile. “I’ll be very careful!”
-Barbara J. Westberg
How about you?
Do you realize how many second chances God has given you? How often have you cheated, lied, or disobeyed? How many times have you failed God in one way or another? Yet when you confessed your sin to Jesus, He always forgave you. Are you holding a grudge now because someone made you angry? Trust Jesus to help you forgive as He does.
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