Daily Devotional for March 8, 2018
School Bus Stop

The school bus was expected any minute, so Ethan shoveled his cereal into his mouth. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his baby sister, Anna, pick up his tablet. He dropped his spoon, darted across the kitchen, and snatched it from her hands.
“Don’t touch that!” he yelled. “I’ve told you never to touch my stuff. You break everything!”
Anna burst into tears, and Mom came hurrying into the room and picked her up. “What happened?” she asked.
“Anna was messing with my stuff again,” Ethan said. “Remember last week when she broke my remote control car?”
“She didn’t mean to break it,” Mom said, inspecting the tablet for damage. “She didn’t hurt your tablet. You were little once too, Ethan. What would Jesus want you to do?”
Ethan stopped, feeling guilty. “I didn’t mean to make her cry. I’m sorry, Anna.” He gave Anna a hug, and she calmed down.
Ethan frowned as he put his cereal bowl in the sink. “I guess I shouldn’t have yelled. Is God disappointed in me?”
Mom ruffled his hair. “God knows we all mess up. That’s why He sent Jesus to die for us—so we could be forgiven. You can tell Him you’re sorry.”
“But how do we know that God’s forgiven us?” Ethan asked.
Mom smiled. “Do you think your school bus is coming? Even though you can’t see it yet?” She pointed out the window.
“Of course,” Ethan said.
“Because it comes every school day,” Ethan said.
“God is like that,” Mom said. “He never changes. You can always count on Him to forgive you—and Anna will forgive you too. She only touches your stuff because she’s trying to be like you. She looks up to her big brother.”
“I know,” Ethan said. “I’m going to ask God to help me be nicer to her and set a better example.”
The school bus pulled up, and Ethan looked at the clock. 8:15 a.m. Just like every morning. He grabbed his backpack and ran out the door. It was nice to have things he could count on. – Abigail Singrey
How about you?
What are some things in your life that you can count on? Maybe you eat the same thing for breakfast every day or your parents say the same thing to you every night before you go to bed. Like the sun rising every morning, we can count on God to forgive us when we make mistakes. That’s why Jesus died for us. Confess your sins to Him and trust Him to forgive you.
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