Daily Devotional for February 17, 2017
Scary Storms

Alexa’s dog nuzzled up against her hand, whining anxiously. Alexa closed her history textbook and looked down. “What’s wrong, Buddy?” she asked, even though she knew Buddy couldn’t answer.
Then she heard thunder booming in the distance.
Buddy perked up his ears, then whined again. Alexa looked out the window at the dark clouds piling high as rain began hitting the glass. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. Alexa bent down to stroke Buddy’s head. “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s just a storm. You’re safe inside.”
Buddy whined some more. Alexa sighed. She needed to study for her big test tomorrow. Her heart beat faster just thinking about it. “Come on, Buddy, you’re fine.” Alexa picked up her book again, feeling sick to her stomach. She always had trouble remembering all the dates and places, then she’d panic, which made it even harder to think. She hoped she wouldn’t forget everything she studied.
Mom walked into the room. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Buddy’s scared of the storm, but I need to finish my homework.” Alexa sighed. “At least he knows to come to me to be comforted.”
Mom nodded. “Buddy’s always been scared of storms.” She thought for a minute. “What are some things that scare you, Alexa?”
Alexa looked up, surprised. “I’m scared of heights. Remember when Dad wanted me to go down the big water slide?”
Mom smiled. “And you had a hard time even climbing the stairs to the top.”
“Sometimes I’m scared to take tests,” Alexa said, looking down at her history book. “I worry that I won’t remember everything and will get a bad grade.”
“So who do you go to for help?”
“Well, sometimes you and Dad. You help me study.”
“And that’s good. But there’s someone else you can go to as well.” Mom reached down and patted Buddy’s head. “Isn’t it interesting that Buddy knows to come to you for comfort? I think that’s how God wants us to think about Him. He wants to be our first option for peace and comfort.”
Alex looked down at her homework. “So since I’m worried about my test Monday, I should pray about it?”
Mom nodded. “I think that’d be a great idea!” – Abigail Singrey
How about you?
What scares you the most? Is it spiders, the dark, or meeting new kids at church or school? Maybe you freeze up with fear or maybe you get a funny feeling in your stomach. Whatever worries you have, you can bring them to God. He won’t think they’re silly. When we pray to God about whatever is troubling us, He will calm our worries and let us know He’s with us.
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