Daily Devotional for December 22, 2021
Same Old Story

“Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields,” Abby’s Sunday school teacher read from the second chapter of Luke, “keeping watch over their flock…” Mrs. Peters’ voice started to fade away as Abby daydreamed about the new bike she expected to get for Christmas. I can hardly wait, she thought. I know I won’t be able to ride it since there’s snow on the ground, but still…
Abby glanced down at the open Bible on her lap. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the Christmas story. It was just that she knew it so well. I could probably teach this class myself, she thought. Last week I heard this same story at our Christmas program and saw it acted out on a TV show. Now I’m hearing it again, and I’m guessing Pastor Hill will read it during the church service too. So while Mrs. Peters talked, Abby continued dreaming about a new bike.
After class, Abby walked to the main auditorium with Gina, who had been coming to church for only a few months. “Wow! That Christmas story is really something!” Gina exclaimed.
Abby looked at her in surprise. “Haven’t you heard it before? I’ve heard it hundreds of times!”
“I’ve heard it a few times,” said Gina. “But I wasn’t a Christian then and never paid much attention to what it meant. But now…just think, Abby! Jesus came to earth for you and me!” Gina’s face was alive with excitement. “The story reminds me that God loves us a whole lot or He wouldn’t have sent His only Son to earth
as a human to die!”
As Abby sat down in church, she thought about what Gina had said. I used to get excited when I heard the Christmas story too, but it’s been a long time since I thought much about what it really means. She opened her Bible to the Christmas story. I’ll read it for myself while I wait for the service to start, she decided. This time, I’ll really picture in my mind what it must have been like for Jesus to come to earth! If He hadn’t come, I wouldn’t have my sins forgiven or be able to look forward to spending eternity with Him.
-Linda Weddle
How about you?
Do you have an I’ve-heard-it-all-before attitude when you hear lessons on the real meaning of Christmas? Do you take Jesus’s birth for granted because you’ve heard about it so many times? The Christmas story is probably familiar to you, but you can still be thankful each time you hear it. If Jesus had not come, you would not have a Savior. Read today’s Bible reading again and thank God for the wonderful gift He gave you.
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