Daily Devotional for June 7, 2024
Safety Net

Natia and Lexi sat in the grass waiting for the bus. Lexi was quiet this morning; she had something
on her mind.
“What are you thinking about?” Natia asked.
Lexi looked up. “I was just thinking about a conversation I had with my mom yesterday. She
talked to me about something called a safety network. She seemed pretty serious about it.”
Natia looked confused. “What’s a safety network?”
“It’s a list of five people that I trust, like my mom, my dad, our teacher Mrs. Schenk, my aunt, and my grandma. Those are the people I can talk to about anything. Mom says that if anyone ever says or does anything to me that makes me feel uncomfortable, I can always go talk to the people in my safety network.”
“That’s a good idea!” said Natia. “It’s good to have a plan in case anything scary ever happens.”
Lexi nodded her agreement. “Do you remember last summer when our moms took us to the circus? That man walking the tightrope had a safety net underneath him. That way, even if something scary happened, he knew he’d be safe. Mom said a safety network is kind of like that.” Lexi picked some grass and rubbed it between her fingers. “Talking to my mom about it also made me thankful for God’s safety net.”
“What do you mean?” asked Natia.
“Well, when my mom and I were talking, we read a chapter in the Bible about how God is our protector and that we can always trust Him. Jesus died to save us from the scariest thing of all—eternity without God—and He promises to be with us when scary things happen. Mom said one of the ways He helps us is through people we can trust, like those in our safety network.” Lexi reached into her backpack and pulled out her little Bible. “Here, I put a bookmark in it—it’s in Psalms.”
They both stood up when they heard the bus rumbling closer. Lexi turned and waved to her mom, who had been watching them from the porch.
“You’re right, Lexi,” Natia said after she read the passage in Lexi’s Bible on the way to school. “It makes me feel good knowing God has given me a safety net!”
– Emily Tenter
How about you?
Do you have a safety network—a list of people you can talk to about anything? Having a safety network is very important. If you don’t have one, talk to your mom, dad, or other adult you trust about who should be in it. And remember that God is first on your list! If you know Jesus, He promises to be with you all the time. Go to Him when things in your life get scary and trust Him to help you.
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