Daily Devotional for May 20, 2023
Safe through the Storm

Kyle and Callam looked out at their backyard as rain pelted the glass. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed. “Yikes!” Callam jumped.
“That was close,” Kyle said as the tornado siren sounded.
“Everyone to the basement!” Mom yelled. She turned on the TV downstairs to keep track of the storm.
“A tornado warning has been issued for our area,” the TV meteorologist said. “Go to your safe place now.”
“I wish Dad was here,” Callam said as winds howled and objects outside hit their house.
“We should pray,” said Kyle.
The boys and Mom held hands. They prayed for God to protect their family, friends, and neighbors. “Amen,” Mom said. “Never forget, boys, that God is our shelter in every storm of life.”
Just then the electricity went off. Kyle turned on a flashlight.
“Do you remember in the Bible when Jesus and His disciples were in a boat and a storm suddenly came on the lake?” Mom asked.
Callam nodded. “Jesus was asleep, and the disciples thought they were going to drown.”
“They woke Jesus up,” Kyle said, “and He told the storm, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then everything was calm again.”
“That’s right,” said Mom. “I know it’s stormy and scary outside now, but remember that Jesus is here with us too. He saved us from sin and gave us eternal life, and He will never leave us, no matter what happens. We can trust Him to calm our fears and comfort us with His presence in the midst of life’s storms.”
Just then Mom’s cell phone rang. “It’s Dad.” She put it on speaker. Dad told them he was okay and would be home as soon as he could get there.
“It sounds quiet now,” Kyle said after Dad hung up. “Do you think we should look?”
“I’ll take a peek,” Mom said, going upstairs. “The storm’s passed,” she called down to them a minute later. “Come on up.”
Kyle and Callam went upstairs and looked outside. Tree branches, twigs, and leaves littered the yard. “Look!” Callam pointed. “A trampoline’s way back by the woods. Glad it missed our house.”
“Thank You, Jesus, for keeping us calm and safe through the storm,” Kyle whispered.
-Lynda Boucher
How about you?
Have you ever been scared during a storm? Strong winds, heavy rains, and thunder and lightning can frighten us. But there are other kinds of storms in life that might make us feel afraid, sad, or anxious. Whatever kind of storm comes your way, remember that Jesus is with you. Trust Him to calm your fears and give you strength. And thank Him that you never need to face storms alone.
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