Daily Devotional for June 7, 2020
Safe in Jesus

The thunder boomed loudly as Kallie hid underneath the blanket on the living room couch. She peered through the holes of the afghan to see the torrential downpour outside the window. As Kallie covered her ears from the sound of the storm, she was reminded of her ear surgery the next day. A big tear rolled down her cheek as her tummy twisted in knots.
“Kallie?” her grandma called from the kitchen. “Are you in the living room?”
“Uh-huh,” Kallie replied with a frightened whimper.
Grandma leaned over the couch and found Kallie curled up underneath the navy blue blanket. “Oh, sweetie,” said Grandma as she lifted the afghan. “Are you afraid of the storm outside?”
“Uh-huh. And…” Kallie held her ears tightly, “and…”
Grandma picked up on the hint. “And your ear surgery tomorrow?” Kallie nodded. Grandma looked into her big brown eyes and changed the subject. “What do you say we go play outside for a bit?”
“What? Grandma, it’s thundering and lightning outside. That’s totally not safe!” “So, we should stay inside where it is safe?”
“Yes!” Kallie wasn’t exactly sure where Grandma was going with this.
Grandma grinned. “Kallie, our house is a safe place to be in this bad storm. Tomorrow, you have to face another storm in your life—your ear surgery. I get it, surgeries can be scary. But they don’t have to be, because you know the ultimate safe place.”
“The hospital?” guessed Kallie.
“Well, hospitals are safe places. But that’s not who I’m talking about. I’m talking about Jesus. It says in the Bible that He is our refuge, shelter, and fortress, which are all words for safe places. When we’re scared, we can run to Him. He died on the cross and rose again to give us eternal life, and He also gives us peace and rest here and now when we face scary things like surgeries. He loves you, Kallie, and He will always be with you.”
Kallie looked into her Grandma’s eyes and saw no fear. Kallie wanted that too. “Thanks, Grandma. I needed that talk. Can you pray with me?” EMILY RUDOLPH
How about you?
Does your stomach ever twist in knots because of fear? Maybe you’re afraid of an upcoming surgery or doctor’s visit. Or maybe you’re afraid of storms or a difficult test at school. Whatever it is, choose to trust Jesus. Remember that no matter what happens, He loves you and is always with you. He is your safe place.
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