Daily Devotional for December 4, 2022
Sadie’s Kitten
When Sadie walked into the kitchen one morning, she found Dad cradling a tiny orange kitten. The kitten’s eyes weren’t even open.
“What’s wrong with him?” Sadie asked. “Why is he crying?”
Dad used an eyedropper to give him milk. “I found this little guy outside, alone and hungry. I’m afraid something happened to the rest of his family.”
“So you’re going to take care of him?”
“Yeah, he’s too little to survive on his own.”
Sadie thought of the first story in the Bible about how Adam and Eve cared for the animals. She wanted to care for God’s creation too. “Can I help?”
“Absolutely! I’ll show you how.”
Sadie was extra-gentle when Dad put the kitten in her arms. He was the color of a carrot, so that’s what she’d call him.
For the next few weeks, Sadie watched Carrot grow. His eyes opened, then he started walking with more confidence. Soon he no longer needed the eyedropper—he ate kitten food. Sadie felt proud.
One day, when she was giving Carrot his food, he scratched her arm with his sharp claws. Tears welled in Sadie’s eyes. She picked up his food bowl. He didn’t deserve food after that.
The front door opened. “Is everything okay, Sadie?” Dad asked.
“No!” She burst into tears. “Carrot scratched me. All I’ve ever done is love him, and now he hurt me!”
“Oh, Sadie. I’m sorry.” Dad hugged her. “The way you care for Carrot reminds me of the way God cares for us. You are kind, gentle, and patient. That’s the way God loves us too, only His love is even stronger.”
Sadie stopped crying. “Sometimes, I hurt God. When I do things I know I shouldn’t.” She looked at Carrot’s food bowl. “But God forgives me. Jesus died for me so that I could live with Him forever.”
Dad nodded. “Jesus set a wonderful example for us.”
Sadie knew what to do. She put the food back on the ground. Carrot began to eat. She looked at the blood on her arm. “It’s okay, Carrot. I forgive you, and I love you.”
Sadie was thankful God often said those same words to her.
-Becca Wierwille
How about you?
Have you ever struggled to show kindness? When someone hurts us, it can be hard to be kind and forgiving. The good news is, God is always kind and forgiving to us. Even though we have sinned against God and hurt others by doing things that are wrong, He still loves us. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins so we could be forgiven. And we can follow His example by showing kindness and forgiveness to those around us.
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