Daily Devotional for August 13, 2019
Rising Attitudes

Dakota groaned as she tossed her backpack to the floor. “Mom! You wouldn’t believe what happened at the Bible study.”
Mom dumped flour into a bowl. “How’d it go? Not good, I take it.” Dakota was leading a small Bible study at a friend’s house.
“No. It was awful.” Dakota plopped down on the floor, sniffling. “I heard Celeste complaining about the way I talked. She said I sounded whiny and that my voice was squeaky. She didn’t know I was listening, but the next thing I know, everyone was annoyed with me.” She rubbed her red eyes. “She also complained about my topic, and soon everyone was agreeing with her about that too.”
“I’m sorry,” said Mom. “It sounds like her bad attitude spread fast.”
“It sure did.” Dakota sighed, wiping a hand across her teary eyes.
Mom turned back to her mixing bowl. “Dakota? How much yeast do I put in a whole loaf of bread?”
Dakota blinked. “A teaspoon, maybe? Not a lot at all. Why?”
“How much bad attitude did Celeste have to display before everyone was complaining?”
Dakota snorted. “Like, two seconds worth. And then everyone was mad.”
Mom nodded. “I only have to use a little bit of yeast and the whole loaf rises. Celeste only complained for two seconds, but her attitude quickly spread and then everyone else was grumbling. But it doesn’t only work that way with bad attitudes. If someone is complaining, you can be the ‘yeast’ in that situation and speak positively, and it will spread.”
“So next time someone starts complaining, I can switch the attitude.” Dakota bit her lip. “I know what it feels like to be the one everyone’s griping about. I wouldn’t want someone else to feel that way.”
Mom nodded. “When we focus on others’ flaws or things we don’t like, we’re not acting like Jesus. He loves and accepts us even though we’re not perfect, and we can spread His love to others through a helpful, loving attitude.” She smiled at Dakota. “Now, will you get one teaspoon of yeast for me and put it in this bread?”
“Of course.” Dakota smiled. “I think this bread needs some good attitude yeast to help it rise.” Judy Klein
How about you?
Have you ever been around someone who complains? After a while, you feel like complaining too, don’t you? Bad attitudes keep people from focusing on the goodness of Jesus, and they can spread fast—but so can good ones! Just one person can spread their attitude to the whole group. When you feel like complaining, remember Jesus’ attitude and help everyone focus on good things instead.
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