Daily Devotional for January 19, 2018

Ringo’s Enemy

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Ringo’s Enemy

Today's Verse

Luke 6:27-36; Romans 12:19-21 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Cole’s eyes flashed angrily as he came into the house. “Mr. Wilson kicked at Ringo! He tried to hurt him!”

Mom frowned. “Oh dear. Maybe we can talk with him about it tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” said Cole, “and show him how wrong he is!”

Mom shook her head. “We’re going to talk to him with kindness and respect. Jesus said we should love our enemies and pray for those who are mean to us.”

Cole sighed. “I know,” he said, “but it’s hard to do.”

“Why don’t we do it together?” Mom suggested. Cole nodded, and he and Mom said a prayer for Mr. Wilson.

The next day, Cole and his parents visited Mr. Wilson. The conversation didn’t go well.

“That vicious dog of yours got out and bit me!” Mr. Wilson showed them what appeared to be a dog bite on his hand. “I ought to report you to the authorities.”

After Mom and Dad apologized and offered to pay for medical treatment, they headed back home.

“Ringo doesn’t bite!” Cole insisted. “Mr. Wilson must have been mean to him.” But after they discussed it a while, Cole reluctantly agreed it would be best to find Ringo a new home.

The next day, Cole went next door with his dad to tell Mr. Wilson what they had decided to do. Mr. Wilson was as grumpy as Cole expected when he answered the door.

“I’m sorry about Ringo,” Cole quickly told Mr. Wilson. “I don’t know how he got out, but since he bit you, we’re going to get rid of him.”

Mr. Wilson stared at Cole. “You are? You’d do that for me?”

Too upset to speak, Cole nodded.

“Well, uh…” Mr. Wilson’s voice trembled. “Actually, I…I let the dog out. He was barking, and I thought if I let him loose, he’d run off. When I tried to drag him past the fence by the collar, he bit me. So it wasn’t Ringo’s fault—don’t get rid of him.” Cole stared in surprise as Mr. Wilson’s face flushed. “Didn’t mean to tell you that,” he muttered, “but there’s something different about you folks.”

Dad spoke up. “We know Jesus,” he said. “We’d love to tell you more about Him if you want.” Cole’s eyes were wide with amazement as Mr. Wilson invited them in. I’m glad we prayed for Mr. Wilson, he thought, just like Jesus said. – Bernard Palmer

How about you?

Is there someone who doesn’t like you? Someone who treats you badly? What do you do in response? You might want to get back at them, but Jesus says not to do that—He says to show your enemies the same love He shows you and to pray for them instead. Even if nothing changes, keep praying and being kind to them. Leave the results to the Lord.

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