Daily Devotional for June 19, 2017
Right Tool for the Job

“Dad, my glasses broke!” Levi said.
“Let me see,” said Dad. “It looks like a screw needs tightening. I think I can fix them.”
“I wish I could get new glasses like Justin’s,” Levi said. “He got these cool wrap-around glasses at the mall. He’s always getting new things, and kids crowd around him to see his new stuff. With glasses like that, I’d be important like Justin.”
“Let’s take your glasses out to the workshop and see what we can do,” said Dad. He set Levi’s glasses on his workbench and reached for his toolbox. “For a job this important, I’ll use my best tools.” Dad lifted out a tray of screwdrivers, all of them in good condition. Dad was a carpenter, and he took good care of his tools. He pushed the tray toward Levi. “Which one should we use?” Dad asked.
Levi looked through the tray of short, long, wide, and narrow screwdrivers. None of them were the right size for the tiny screw. “None of these will work,” Levi said.
“Are you sure?” asked Dad. “These are my very best tools.”
“But they aren’t the right ones for the job,” said Levi.
“You’re right,” said Dad. He pulled a tiny screwdriver out of a drawer and used it to tighten the small screw. “Getting new stuff to make us feel important is like using the wrong tool for the job. New stuff gets old and breaks, or someone else gets something better or more exciting than what we have. We may even find other people just think our stuff is important and not us. The only tool that can keep us feeling loved and important is receiving Jesus’ gift of salvation and embracing our identity in Him. His gift makes us God’s children, and that’s a gift that will never break or wear out. Nothing better will ever come along. We’re always loved and important to Him.”
Dad handed Levi the repaired glasses, and Levi put them on. “Thanks, Dad,” he said. “I can see much better now—and I see I’m important to Jesus. No new stuff needed.” – Heidi J. Schmidt
How about you?
Do you wish you had cool stuff so other people would notice you? Having something that others want may make us feel important for a time, but that feeling lasts only until something new comes along. Nothing compares to knowing Jesus, and you don’t need anything new to get His attention. Being His child makes you important to Him, and His love and acceptance of you will last forever.
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