Daily Devotional for March 17, 2020
Rich or Poor

“We have three new girls in my class,” Mae told her mom. “I really like one of them. Her name is Olivia. Can I invite her to my birthday party?”
“Sure,” said Mom. “But you’re inviting all the girls in your class, aren’t you? The party will give the new girls a chance to get to know everyone better.”
Mae shrugged. “I guess so, but I don’t think Audra and Carrie—the other two new girls—will fit in with me and my friends.” Mae jumped up as a car pulled into the driveway. “Morgan’s here!”
Later that afternoon, Mom walked past Mae’s room and overheard the girls talking about the new members of their class. “Olivia has such nice clothes,” said Morgan. “Much nicer than Audra’s or Carrie’s.”
“Yeah. Audra and Carrie look like they’re poor. I really don’t want them at my party.” Mae got up. “Let’s go see if supper’s ready.”
Mom smiled when the girls appeared in the kitchen. “Come help set the table,” she said. “Let’s see, why don’t you set your place here at the counter, Mae? And set a place for Morgan in the dining room with the rest of us.”
“Why would I sit at the counter?” asked Mae. “There’s room for all of us in the dining room.”
“But you have blonde hair, and we all have darker hair,” said Mom.
Mae stared at her mom. “So what? I can’t help the color of my hair!”
“True,” said Mom. “Audra and Carrie can’t help it either if they can’t afford nice, new clothes.”
Mae and Morgan looked at each other, knowing Mae’s mom must have heard what they had said.
“How do you think they’d feel about being left out for that reason?” asked Mom. “And how do you think Jesus feels about it? He loves them just as much as He loves you. He died for their sins too so they could have new life in Him, which is worth far more than money or nice clothes. Yet you aren’t willing to be friends with them.”
Both girls hung their heads. “I’m sorry,” said Mae. “I’ll invite them to my party and try to get to know them better. I really hope they’ll come.”
Sandy K. Vaughn
How about you?
Are you kind and friendly to everyone? Or do you look down on those who aren’t very popular, or who don’t have especially nice clothes or wear the most popular name brands? Jesus didn’t just die for people who are rich or popular—He died for all of us! If He loves and includes everyone, so should we. Treat everyone the way He would.
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