Daily Devotional for February 29, 2020
Rich Indeed

Easton and Cade talked about a complicated football play as they ambled home from school. Suddenly, Easton stopped talking and sniffed the air. “Chocolate chips,” he said.
Cade understood immediately. They were nearing Mrs. Jian’s house; she often baked cookies for the neighborhood kids. Even if she didn’t have cookies, they’d often stop to visit or help her in the garden. It was fun to listen as she talked about the things she had done when she was a young girl growing up in China.
“Come in, boys,” Mrs. Jian said as she set a plate of cookies on the table.
“We shouldn’t come here so often,” Cade said. “My mom says cookies cost money and we shouldn’t eat up all your food.”
“Eat all you want,” said Mrs. Jian, “and let your mothers know I love to share.” She smiled at the boys. “Did you know that I’m actually very rich?”
“Really?” asked Easton. “Then why do you live in such a little house?”
“Oh, this is just a place where I’m staying for a while,” Mrs. Jian answered. “I have a mansion that I’m going to move into someday.”
“Really?” Cade asked. “Where is it?”
“It’s in heaven, of course,” replied Mrs. Jian. “In the Bible, Jesus says He’s gone to prepare a place for us—a place with many mansions.” She chuckled. “A lot of people think money is what makes you rich, but money won’t get anyone into heaven—and you certainly can’t take it there with you either.”
“I guess not,” said Easton.
Mrs. Jian grinned. “Love is what makes you rich—the love of a Savior. Jesus loved me so much He gave His life to pay the penalty for my sins and give me eternal life. He’s filled my heart with His love and has blessed me with the love of my family, my friends, and all the kids who stop to visit me. Yes, I am very rich indeed.”
Cade and Easton grinned back at Mrs. Jian. Then they happily followed her instructions to help themselves to a glass of milk and her famous cookies. Michael R. Blackman
How about you?
Are you rich in the things that count? The promise of eternal life with Jesus is more valuable than any treasure this world has to offer. All the money in the world is worthless if you won’t be going to heaven. Is Jesus preparing a place for you? He is if you trust Him as your Savior. If you trust in Him today, you’ll be very rich indeed!
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