Daily Devotional for August 29, 2018
Remember Me

“Hey, Dad,” said Malachi as he and his family were on their way home from a visit with their grandmother, “what do you want written on your tombstone?”
“What a question!” said Mom. “Why are you asking that?”
Malachi laughed. “While you were visiting with Grandma, Nevaeh and I went and talked with Uncle Kevin, remember? He was mowing the grass at that cemetery down the street, and we wandered around there a little. There were some interesting things carved on the grave markers—like little sayings or poems. I was just wondering what you’d want on yours someday.”
“I think I’d like a Bible verse,” Dad said. “I want people to remember that I’m a Christian.”
“Why do people put flowers on graves?” asked Nevaeh.
“It’s an expression of love for the person who died,” said Mom. “They do it in memory of that person, and it comforts them as they remember who they were and what they did during their life.”
“That reminds me of the memorial service we have at church,” Dad said.
“Memorial service?” Malachi asked. “At our church? What service is that?”
“The communion service,” replied Dad. “The Bible tells us to observe it in memory of Jesus and all He did for us. We’re reminded of His life and death and that He rose from the grave.”
“And also that He’s coming again,” Mom said.
Nevaeh nodded thoughtfully. “Why don’t we bring flowers for Him, like people do at the cemetery?” she asked. “Or write something about Jesus on a tombstone?”
“Jesus isn’t dead, so He doesn’t need a tombstone!” said Malachi. “But I guess we could bring flowers—like people do at Easter.”
“Well, Jesus actually gave special instructions on how to remember Him,” Dad said. “The bread and cup—symbols of His body and blood—are reminders of the sacrifice He made so we could be saved from sin.”
“What Jesus did is awesome, but we usually take it for granted,” said Malachi. “That’s not good! Next time we have a communion service, I’m going to think about Him and thank Him for what He did.”
“Why wait till then?” asked Nevaeh. “We can thank Him right now too!” – A. W. Smith
How about you?
Did you know that communion is all about Jesus? It’s a special time to fix your thoughts on Him and what He’s done for you. Think about how holy He is and the great sacrifice He made for you out of love. Thank Him for dying and rising from the grave so you could be free from sin and have eternal life. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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