Daily Devotional for April 26, 2021
Rejected or Accepted?

“Hey, Dad,” Zachery said as he came into the living room with his shoulders slumped.
“Hey, Zachery. What’s wrong?” asked Dad.
“I had a really bad day at school. Some of my friends were laughing at me because I was talking to the new kid. They didn’t want me to talk to him because he isn’t very popular.”
“Oh, I see,” Dad said. “So what did you do?”
“Well, Miss Betsy heard them laughing at me and told them to stop. So then I just kept talking to him. But after school everyone knew about it, and they all said I was a goody two shoes!” Zachery sniffled. “And now I can’t be in their club anymore.”
Dad patted Zachery on the back. “Why is being in the club important to you?” he asked.
Zachery looked up in surprise. “Because being in their club is cool! And people like you if you’re in that club. They don’t like me anymore though.”
“I’m sorry, Zachery,” Dad said. “It’s not nice when people reject you, is it?” Zachery shook his head. “Did you know Jesus was rejected?” asked Dad. “He was laughed at, and some people didn’t like Him because He was kind to people who were unpopular—people like sinners and tax collectors. They didn’t think people like that belonged in God’s club, but Jesus knew something they didn’t.”
“What was that?” Zachery asked.
“He knew God loved everyone and had a plan to save people from sin. Jesus had come to earth to make a way for sinners to be accepted by God. Loving people was more important to Him than what others thought of Him. It was so important, He was willing to die on a cross for our sins. Jesus was rejected so that we could be accepted into God’s family, and that’s more important than any club you could be in.” Dad smiled at Zachery. “You were showing His kindness by talking to the new kid. You refused to reject him because you know Jesus loves everyone.”
Zachery nodded, cheering up a little. “Next time somebody rejects me, I’ll remember I’ve been accepted into the most important club ever—God’s club!” (Levi and Grace Fetterhoff)
How about you?
Have you ever been teased for being nice to someone? Have other kids rejected you because they didn’t like who you hung out with? It hurts, doesn’t it? Jesus knows what that’s like. He was mocked and rejected for showing love to sinners like us. He died on the cross so we could become God’s children. When people reject you for showing His love to others, remember that you’ve been accepted by God.
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