Daily Devotional for February 3, 2022
Really Empty

“Mom, can I make some lemonade?” asked Everly.
“Can you? It does seem questionable,” teased her brother Trent. “After all, it takes a certain amount of ability to make lemonade.”
“Oh, be quiet,” said Everly. “May I make some lemonade, Mom?”
Mom laughed. “You can and you may. I bought some packets of fruit drinks yesterday. Just add the sugar and water and be sure to stir it well.”
“Stick with lemonade,” said Trent as Everly went to the cupboard. “Lemonade’s my favorite.”
Everly made a face at her brother, but she took out a packet with a bright yellow lemon on it. After carefully measuring sugar into a pitcher, she picked up the lemonade packet. She was going to tear it open, but then she held it up to inspect it more closely. She ran her fingers up and down both sides. Then she took a different packet from the box and compared the two—shaking them and feeling them with her fingers.
“Oh, brother!” Trent rolled his eyes. “I think I was right. I’m not sure she can make it.”
Everly ignored him. “Mom,” she said, “I don’t think this packet has a thing in it. It feels empty.”
“Well, find out,” Trent said. “Rip it open and let’s see if there’s anything in there.”
“Wait!” said Mom. She took the packet from Everly. “I think you’re right. It looks empty, but don’t tear it open. I want to use it as an illustration for the kids in my class at church.”
“An illustration of what?” Everly asked.
“It reminds me how people can sometimes think they’re Christians because they attend church regularly or do things that are generous and kind,” Mom replied. “Like this packet, they look fine on the outside, but they don’t know Jesus.”
“And other people are fooled by what they see, just like you were fooled by this packet when you bought it?” Trent asked.
“Yes,” said Mom. “But God isn’t fooled by anyone. He sees the heart of each person. It doesn’t matter how many good things we do. Without Jesus, we are really empty.”
Everly grinned. “That’s why we need to trust in Him!”
“Exactly,” said Mom. “We need Jesus to fill our hearts with His goodness.”
-Hazel W. Marett
How about you?
Do you try to be pleasant, helpful, and kind so people will think you’re a good person? None of the good things you do can save you. You may fool people—you may even fool yourself—into thinking you’re a Christian because you’re a nice person, but you’re not fooling God. He can see whether Jesus is living in you or if you’re really empty inside. Trust Jesus as your Savior today. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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