Daily Devotional for September 29, 2021
Ready, Get Set…Wait

Jared tossed his backpack onto the kitchen island, plopped on a stool, and buried his head in his arms with a sigh. His dad looked up from his laptop. “Something wrong, Jared?”
“Yeah, something’s wrong! Coach Jackson made Sam captain instead of me! I’ve been on the team longer, I’m the leading scorer, and I know all about the strategies of the other teams. No one is more ready to be captain than me!”
“I’m so sorry,” said Dad. “I know how much you wanted that role. And you’re right, you do have a lot of the ingredients needed to be a good captain.”
Jared slipped off the stool and walked over to the refrigerator, looking for something to eat. Inside, he found a bowl of orange gelatin—his favorite. He quickly grabbed a spoon and dug in. “Ewww,” Jared said. “It’s all runny!”
“That’s because it needs to set for another hour or so.” His dad paused. “You know, that gelatin makes me think of what God might be doing in this captain situation. Remember what we read the other night about how, when Jesus was just twelve, His parents found Him in the synagogue talking with grown-ups about the Scriptures and that everyone who heard Him speak was amazed?”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Well, Jesus had the ingredients that made Him ready for ministry. But He wouldn’t start His ministry until He was thirty years old—eighteen years later.”
“Are you saying I’m going to have to wait eighteen years to be a captain?” Jared asked incredulously.
Dad laughed. “No. I just mean that you may have what it takes to be captain—just like that gelatin has what it takes to be your favorite dessert—but you may need to set. Though it’s also possible God has something entirely different in mind for you. Either way, you don’t have to wait to use the gifts and talents He’s given you. Use them to help others now—maybe by supporting Sam in his role as captain—and patiently trust God to lead you to the next thing when the time is right.”
“Okay,” said Jared. “Although it’s going to be hard to wait for the gelatin to set. Can we kick a ball around in the backyard until it’s ready?”
“Of course,” Dad said. “Let’s go.” -Laura Kuehn
How about you?
Do you ever feel frustrated when you really want to do something but have to wait? A big part of trusting God means trusting His timing. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for your sins at just the right time, and He knows exactly what—and when—is best for you. Trust Him to help you use the gifts He’s given you to show others His love, both now and in the future.
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