Daily Devotional for January 17, 2021
Ray of Light

Ray found a table in the coffee shop and opened her computer while her brother went to get a cup of coffee. When Rick came to sit next to her with his chai latte, he noticed Ray staring at her computer screen, frowning. “What are you looking at?” he asked.
Ray turned the screen so he could see it. “This world is so messed up, Rick. Look at this article. People are getting killed by the hundreds in Afghanistan because of their belief in Jesus, and nobody is doing anything!”
“Yeah, it’s terrible, isn’t it?” said Rick. “Jesus even prophesied this would happen before He died on the cross for us. He warned that Christians would face persecution and even death for following Him, but it’s still so sad to hear.”
“It makes me so angry. And look at THIS!” Ray scrolled down the page. “Another terrible story about a lost puppy who doesn’t have a home. It’s not as horrible as the other one, of course, but it’s still sad.”
Rick nodded. “The more I read the news, the more tough stuff I see going on in the world. But I’m so grateful that we as Christians get to be lights in this world. Ha! That’s actually where you got your name, did you know that?”
“I know,” said Ray. “But it feels like there is too much darkness in this world to make any difference. Everything just seems to go wrong.”
“Well, your name is Ray for a reason. All it takes is a ray of light to shine into a room to completely transform it. The darker it is inside a room, the more impact the light has on the room! You, like all Christians, shine with the light of Jesus. We’re each a ray of light shining in this dark world.”
“Wow…that’s pretty great to hear! But what does it mean to be a light in this world?” asked Ray.
“It’s simple. Let God’s light shine from inside of you for all to see. Treat others like Jesus did. Tell them about what He did to save us. Remember His promise to make everything right one day. The world won’t be this way forever because His light is stronger than the darkness.” • Alex Childs
How about you?
This world seems so dark sometimes, doesn’t it? But Jesus is shining His hope and love into the darkness, and we are His rays of light! Because we trust in Him, we can help make this world less dark by sharing His truth and love. Shine the light He has given you today by being a friend to others, sharing stories of Jesus with them, and talking about how you’ve seen God work in your life. It’s that easy!
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