Daily Devotional for May 14, 2017
Rainy Day Blues

“It’s still raining,” said Hayley. “Isn’t the sun ever going to shine again?”
“We need rain to make the garden grow,” said Mom. She smiled at her daughter. “This might be a good time for you to pray and read your Bible. You haven’t done that yet today, have you?”
“No—but I have some other things I want to do first.” Hayley quickly headed for the stairs. “Seems like all we do in this family is go to church and read the Bible and pray,” she mumbled to herself. She blushed when she saw Mom glance her way. Oops! I hope Mom didn’t hear that, she thought.
A little while later, Hayley came back downstairs and glanced out the window. “Good!” she said. “The rain stopped. We’ve had enough.”
“Come with me to the garden,” said Mom. “I want to show you something.”
Outside, Mom plunged a shovel into the dirt and turned it over. The ground was quite wet on top, but a little way down, the dirt was dry.
“I thought it’d be muddy from here to China!” said Hayley. “I guess we do need more rain.”
Mom nodded. “The ground needs a lot of regular rain or it will dry out,” she said. “It reminds me of us—if we don’t regularly pray, read the Bible, and go to church, we can dry out spiritually.” Now Hayley was sure Mom had heard her comment earlier. “The Bible often compares our need for Jesus to thirst,” continued Mom. “Even after we’ve put our faith in Him, we still need to spend time with Him and get to know Him better so we can become more like Him. Praying, reading the Bible, and worshiping with others remind us of all Jesus has done for us and help us feel His love and power in our lives. If we don’t do those things regularly, we can lose sight of how much we need Him and become spiritually dry—just like this ground without rain.”
Hayley was silent as they headed back to the house. “I think I’ll go have my quiet time now,” she said once they were inside. She went over to get her Bible. “I’m feeling thirsty for Jesus.” – Cindy Huff
How about you?
Are you eager to spend time with Jesus and get to know Him better? As a Christian, your soul thirsts for Jesus, and that thirst can only be quenched by the gospel—the story of how much He loves you and all He’s done to save you from sin and make you His. Don’t be a dry Christian. Spend quality time reading God’s Word, talking to Jesus, and learning all you can about Him.
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