Daily Devotional for March 25, 2021
Ragamuffin (Part 2)

Anthony and Ella were relieved when their parents said they could keep the puppy they had found. Anthony even thought Ragamuffin was a good name, but Ella refused to call him that. “Let’s name him Muffin,” she suggested. “Muffins are good!” With a shrug, Anthony agreed.
The kids enjoyed playing with Muffin. They taught him tricks and took him on walks. “Good dog!” exclaimed Ella when Muffin fetched a stick she threw. “Now if only you’d learn not to track mud into the house or knock things over and break them!”
“Yeah—and not to chew slippers and hide shoes,” said Anthony. “Are we always going to have to scold you for doing that stuff?”
Ella sighed. “I’m afraid he’ll stop liking us if we scold him so much.”
Anthony nodded. “Me too, but we have to get him trained.”
Their fears were groundless—Muffin was always loyal. He ran to meet them, wagging his tail and jumping up and down with excitement. He followed them around and constantly wanted to be with them.
“Muffin loves us even though we scold him sometimes,” Anthony observed after firmly sending the dog away from the table as they ate dinner one night.
“Well, I’m sure he knows you love him,” Mom said. “You rescued him, and you take good care of him. Muffin knows that, and he loves you in return.”
“I think we could take a lesson from him,” said Dad. “Our heavenly Father loves us. He saved us, and He provides for us and takes care of us. Do we often praise Him and show Him that we’re grateful—even if He has to discipline us when we sin? Do the things we do and say show that we love Him in return for all He’s done for us?”
“How would we show Him?” asked Ella.
“Well,” said Anthony, “Ragamuffin likes to spend time with us, and—”
“His name is Muffin!” Ella interrupted her brother.
Anthony grinned. “He’s learning to obey us too. Like Muffin, we should learn to serve and obey the one who loves and cares for us.” • Jan L Hansen
How about you?
Do you show God that you love Him in return for all He’s done for you? Do you praise Him with your lips? Do you serve Him by showing His love to others? Do you obey Him in what you do and say? He may discipline you to help you learn not to sin, but He does it because He loves you. He rescued you and provides you with everything you need. Praise Him, serve Him, and obey Him in response to the love He has for you.
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