Daily Devotional for June 9, 2020
Pushing Buttons

“What’s the problem, Mom?” Ford asked when his mother told him she needed help with her phone. “I just downloaded a new app, but I can’t figure out how to make it stop sending me all these notifications,” Mom explained. Ford grinned and tapped a few buttons on the screen. “Oh—there!” Mom smiled at Ford. “Thank you! When it comes to technology, you kids always amaze me.”
Later that evening when Ford came home from a friend’s house, his mother noticed he was unusually quiet. “Something bothering you, Ford?”
“Well, uh…” Ford hesitated. “When we were at his house, Conner wanted Elias and Aiden and me to look at a bad website he found. Aiden said no, like it wasn’t a big deal to him. I said no too, but I really wanted to.” Ford cleared his throat. “It wasn’t that I wanted to see that stuff, but I was afraid Connor and Elias would make fun of me—which they did. They laughed and called me and Aiden ‘good little church boys’—but Aiden just shrugged and didn’t even seem to mind!” Ford sighed. “Why is it so easy for Aiden to say no, but not for me?”
Mom gave Ford a hug. “I’m really proud that you didn’t look in spite of how you felt. As for Aiden, let’s just be glad he didn’t seem to be bothered by peer pressure as much as you were. He probably has other temptations that are as hard for him to deal with as this is for you.”
“So…something else might be a bigger deal to him than to me?” Ford asked.
“Exactly. Remember when you helped me with my phone? You knew which buttons to push to get it to do what I wanted. Well, Satan knows which buttons to push to tempt you—he knows our weaknesses, and he tempts different people in different ways.”
“That makes sense,” said Ford thoughtfully.
“God also knows our weaknesses,” said Mom, “and He can help you be strong when you feel yourself wanting to give in. Because you know Jesus, sin and Satan hold no power over you. You don’t have to give in, even when something is especially tempting, because God gives us the ability to resist every temptation.” HOLLY F. CEPEDA
How about you?
Do some sins seem to tempt you more than they tempt other people? That’s normal. Every person has different weaknesses and different strengths. When you feel tempted to do something that’s wrong, remember that you don’t have to give in to any sin because Jesus has freed you from its power. Trust Him to help you resist any temptation you face.
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