Daily Devotional for April 20, 2020

Protective Gear

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Protective Gear

Today's Verse


Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Damon, grab your catcher’s equipment and I’ll help you practice,” called Dad as he opened the back door. Damon scrambled from the floor, grabbed his gear, and rushed out the door. His little sister Gemma was close behind him.

Damon stopped on the patio and pulled the chest protector over his head. He strapped it together on each side. Then he slipped the plastic shin guards over each leg and fastened the straps. Finally, he pulled on the catcher’s mask and grabbed his mitt. “Ready!” he called as he ran out to the backyard.

Damon bent down and steadied himself in the catcher’s position. Dad wound up and pitched the ball to Damon as hard as he could. The ball bounced off Damon’s mitt, popped up, and struck his face mask hard.

Gemma, who was watching, gasped and ran toward her brother. “Damon, are you hurt? That ball hit you in the face!”

“No, it’s okay, Gemma,” said Damon. “I’m not hurt. The mask stopped the ball from hurting me. See?” Smiling, he lifted his mask to show his sister that his face was all right.

“Whew!” said Gemma. “The ball hit you really hard. I was sure it hurt you bad!”

Damon smiled. “I’m fine,” he assured her, and he and Dad resumed their practice.

For family devotions that evening, Dad chose to read about the armor of God. “Today you kids saw how sports equipment protects our bodies and keeps them from getting hurt,” he said. “God gives us protection for our spiritual well-being too. The armor of God protects us from Satan’s evil tricks and lies.”

Gemma looked surprised. “You mean we don’t have to be afraid of him?”

“That’s right, honey,” said Dad. “When we wear God’s armor—when we trust Jesus and remember His promises—we’re protected from Satan’s schemes and deception. Satan has no real power over us, because Jesus defeated him when He died on the cross and rose again.”

Damon grinned. “I put on all the pieces of equipment I need to protect me when I’m the catcher in our ball games. I guess I’d better put on all the parts of God’s armor too.”

Gemma nodded. “Me too!” BRENDA M. RICE

How about you?

Do you sometimes feel like you’re too weak to fight Satan? God provides armor to protect you—truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and His Word, the Bible. Satan wants you to think he’s powerful, but he’s no match for God—or for Christians wearing the armor of God! Put on God’s armor and remember that you can stand firm against Satan because Jesus has already defeated him.

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