Daily Devotional for July 30, 2020

Proper Dress

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Proper Dress

Today's Verse

Ephesians 6:10-18 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Knox!” Dad knocked on his son’s bedroom door. “Want to go with me on a bike ride?”

Knox opened the door in his bathrobe. “Sure,” he said. “Just give me a minute to

get dressed. I just got out of the shower.”

Soon Knox hurried out to the garage where Dad was waiting. “Oh no,” said Knox.

“I forgot my helmet.” He ran into the house and grabbed his bike helmet. “Okay, Dad. Let’s go,” he said when he came back outside.

Dad leaned on his bike. “You’re sure you’re finally ready?” he asked. “Properly dressed for biking?”

“I think so,” replied Knox. “I’ve got my biking shorts on and my tennis shoes. And I’ve got my helmet, so my head will be protected in case of an accident. I think I’m all set.”

“All right!” said Dad. He grinned at Knox. “It’s a little like what we read in the Bible last night, don’t you think?”

“The Bible?” asked Knox. “Oh yeah! I remember. You mean the verses about putting on the armor of God? It even mentioned a helmet, didn’t it?”

“That’s right,” said Dad. “The helmet of salvation is an important part of that armor. To be properly prepared for the experiences we’ll have each day, we need all of the armor Jesus provides us with. That’s more important than being properly dressed for a bike ride.”

Dad and Knox wheeled their bikes out of the garage. As they rode, they tried to remember the other pieces that make up the armor of God.

“There’s the belt of truth,” said Knox. “And the breastplate of righteousness.” “And shoes of peace, and the shield of faith,” added Dad.

“And the sword of the Spirit,” said Knox. “That’s the Bible.”

Dad nodded. “Each piece helps us remember the truth of what Jesus did for us.

He died and rose again so we could be saved from sin and have new life in Him. As we put on each piece of God’s armor, it helps us stand against Satan’s lies and remember who we are in Jesus.”

Knox grinned. “I’m glad it’s spiritual armor though. Wearing a full suit of armor on my body would make it really hard to ride a bike!” • Nancy J. Farrier

How about you?

Are you careful to wear the right kind of clothes to school, church, and sports practice? To be dressed properly, you also need the armor of God. Jesus has provided you with each piece—salvation, truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and His Word, the Bible. Make sure you’re properly prepared for each day by putting on the armor He has provided for you.

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