Daily Devotional for October 1, 2021
Promise Keeping

“Why did we ever promise Mrs. Murray we’d take care of her garden?” Thomas asked his sister from the pea patch. “We’re never going to finish.”
Bethany looked up from weeding a flower bed. “She’s our neighbor, and she asked us. It’s just for a week so she can visit her daughter’s family and new baby grandson.”
Thomas sighed. “All this weeding and watering will take forever! I don’t see how we’ll ever get done.”
Bethany shook her head. “You’re quite the Doubting Thomas today.”
Thomas stopped weeding. “I’m just being honest.”
“Honest Thomas or Doubting Thomas, you sound the same to me.” Bethany got up and sat next to her brother on the grass. “Remember in the Bible when Jesus died on the cross, and three days later He rose from the dead?”
“Of course,” said Thomas. “But what’s that got to do with this?”
“Jesus told His disciples three times what would happen to Him. But they couldn’t understand or believe it.”
Thomas nodded. “That would be hard to understand.”
“After Jesus did what He promised and rose from the dead, He appeared to His disciples. But Thomas wasn’t there. When the other disciples told Thomas the news, he said he wouldn’t believe it unless he saw Jesus for himself. He believed after he saw Jesus with his own eyes,” Bethany said.
“I remember Jesus told Thomas, ‘You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.’ We learned that verse at church.”
Bethany nodded. “When Thomas saw Jesus, he knew without a doubt that everything Jesus said about Himself was absolutely true. Jesus had done what God sent Him to do—die for our sins and then come back to life.”
“Just as He promised,” Thomas added.
“And we can trust that every promise Jesus makes, He will keep,” said Bethany. “Even when we don’t keep our promises.”
“Do you think we’ll be able to keep our promise to Mrs. Murray?” Thomas asked.
“I hope so,” replied Bethany. “Since we believe in Jesus, we can trust Him to help us keep our promises like He does.”
Thomas nodded and pulled another weed. “Just call me Honest Thomas!”
-Lynda Boucher
How about you?
Have you ever promised to do something, but you weren’t able to keep your word? People don’t always do what they say they’ll do, but Jesus always does what He promises. And if we fall short of what we set out to do, Jesus is patient, gracious, and merciful to us. You can trust Him to keep His promises—and to help you keep your promises too.
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