Daily Devotional for September 1, 2021

When Tracy came home from school, Mom was unloading groceries from the car. “How about giving me a hand?” Mom asked.
“Sure,” said Tracy. When Mom opened the trunk, Tracy saw a huge watermelon. “I’ll carry this in.”
After setting the watermelon on the kitchen table, Tracy hurried back to the car to see if Mom had gotten any other treats. She peeked in one bag after another. “There’s one more surprise,” Mom said, giving her a wink. “But first, let’s get all the groceries into the house.”
While putting the food away, Tracy looked for the special treat. In the bottom of the last grocery bag, she found a carton of butter pecan ice cream. “Mmm! My favorite flavor,” she said. “I bought a box like this at school today.”
“In the cafeteria?” asked Mom.
“No, in our classroom. To teach us about spending and saving, our teacher set out empty food cans and boxes in the room,” Tracy explained as Mom scooped out two bowlfuls of ice cream. “Then she handed out pretend money to play store with.”
“How much money were you given to spend?” asked Mom.
“Fifty dollars!” exclaimed Tracy. “But I only used forty. My teacher said I could keep the rest. See?” Tracy reached into her pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. On the green play money was a picture of a cartoon character.
“I’ve never seen money like that before,” said Mom.
Tracy giggled. “Me neither. But I had enough to buy several things, including ice cream—well, pretend ice cream.”
“Your teacher created that money,” said Mom. “And she’s the one who determined its value. Real money also has value because our government, who prints money, says so.”
“Then the worth is determined by the maker,” said Tracy.
“Right,” said Mom. “And it’s the same way with people. God made us, and that makes us valuable. In addition to creating us, Jesus gave His life on the cross to free us from sin. His Spirit lives inside those who trust in Him. And one day, when He returns, all believers will reign with Him.”
“Wow!” exclaimed Tracy. “People are worth a lot.”
“We’re priceless,” said Mom, handing Tracy a bowl of ice cream. They smiled at each other as they each took a bite.
-David J. Belleau
How about you?
Do you ever think you’re not important? Do you feel like nobody cares about you? Don’t listen to that lie. No matter what you think, and no matter what others say, God says you’re valuable. He made you, and Jesus gave His life to save you. You’re worth the world to Him! He loves you and wants to be with you now and forever. You are priceless because of Him.
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